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    Tent question.


    Location : United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2022-07-08
    Number of posts : 65

    Tent question. Empty Tent question.

    Post by matchstick Fri Jun 09, 2023 1:41 pm

    Is there anything written down anywhere stating how many poles and the such are meant to come with each shelter half cum poncho cum 2 man tent?

    I currently have each of my Flecktarn and late 60's OG tents 1 sheet half each, 1 hood/carry bag each, 1 pole and peg bag each, 5 pegs each and 4 poles each. Not sure whether that's the complete scaling's or whether I need to source one extra pole for each half.

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6988

    Tent question. Empty Re: Tent question.

    Post by CollectinSteve Sat Jun 10, 2023 3:08 am

    Each shelter half needs its own pouch complete with full compliment of pole pieces, pegs, and ropes. Seems like you have that, so you should be all set. Assemble the two halves together, peg down one side, put in both poles, pull second side tight, peg down. Use ropes and pegs to the poles to keep them from wanting to fall inward.

    I spent a night under a set of Belgian Jigsaw shelter halves (identical style to yours) and found it quite comfy.


    Location : United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2022-07-08
    Number of posts : 65

    Tent question. Empty Re: Tent question.

    Post by matchstick Sat Jun 10, 2023 4:28 am

    CollectinSteve wrote:Each shelter half needs its own pouch complete with full compliment of pole pieces, pegs, and ropes.  Seems like you have that, so you should be all set.  Assemble the two halves together, peg down one side, put in both poles, pull second side tight, peg down.  Use ropes and pegs to the poles to keep them from wanting to fall inward.

    I spent a night under a set of Belgian Jigsaw shelter halves (identical style to yours) and found it quite comfy.


    I've used my Flecktarn one once so far, in the Rockies whilst bimbling through Canada, apart from the Mosquitos that got in while I was putting it up and getting through any gaps once it was up found it quite good for kipping in. Wasn't as taught as it could've been but was rushing to get it up before dark and didn't have the length of guy line it came supplied with with me.

    At the time I only had the poles, pegs and halves, I've since accumulated the little bags for each set of poles/pegs and the bags that double as hoods for each half and the same for a late 60's dated OG one.

    Just curious as to whether each half is meant to be four poles and five pegs or if its five of each for each half?


    Location : North America
    Registration date : 2023-03-26
    Number of posts : 31

    Tent question. Empty Re: Tent question.

    Post by Kl1989 Wed Jun 14, 2023 7:20 pm

    5 poles and pegs and 1 rope issued with each Zeltbahn in 60s and later. In earliest years only 4, but not relevant for your models.

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    Location : United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2022-07-08
    Number of posts : 65

    Tent question. Empty Re: Tent question.

    Post by matchstick Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:37 am

    Kl1989 wrote:5 poles and pegs and 1 rope issued with each Zeltbahn in 60s and later. In earliest years only 4, but not relevant for your models.

    Thank you for the information, I just need to get one extra pole for each half to complete them then.

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