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    Civil War Era? Charleston Bullion Medal


    Location : United States
    Registration date : 2023-06-14
    Number of posts : 1

    Civil War Era?  Charleston Bullion Medal Empty Civil War Era? Charleston Bullion Medal

    Post by tipton444 Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:58 pm

    Hello all,

    I recently acquired this unique ribbon medal from an estate collection, and I'm wondering if anyone can help me identify the age and what it was for?  I sell a lot of antique jewelry, and I can tell by the "C-Clasp" on the back that it dates to the 19th century, or at least sometime prior to the early 1900's.  Could it be civil war era?  Or WW1 era?  Anyone know what the letters could stand for?  Thank you all for the help, happy to have found this forum.


    Civil War Era?  Charleston Bullion Medal 20230513
    Civil War Era?  Charleston Bullion Medal 20230516
    Civil War Era?  Charleston Bullion Medal 20230511
    Civil War Era?  Charleston Bullion Medal 20230512
    Civil War Era?  Charleston Bullion Medal 20230515
    Civil War Era?  Charleston Bullion Medal 20230514
    Civil War Era?  Charleston Bullion Medal 20230517

      Current date/time is Mon Oct 14, 2024 5:10 am