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    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff)

    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 391

    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Empty Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff)

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Thu Jan 18, 2024 12:44 am

    Mostly some scrambled eggs uniforms here I thought I'd share.

    An old pic, this is the first set I acquired. It's ranked to equivalent of a 1LT, and I was told it was traded by an American officer with an Egyptian colleague during the Gulf War.
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    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Soldie11

    Stocks of uniforms were also provided to Kuwaiti volunteers, note the insignia, and many of these guys are wearing the now rare to find "arid" scrambled eggs with no green shapes.
    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Kuwait15
    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Kuwait16
    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Kuwait14

    A pair of the "blue" based color variant trousers, in a more combat-oriented cut. These "blue eggs" and some more green-based ones seem to date more to the 2000's and were especially visible during the Arab Spring.
    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Egypti12
    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Egypti11
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    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Egypti20
    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Egypti21

    A more recent find, one of the weird pullover anorak/parkas. I've seen a handful of these over the years but never in photos, only the M65's.
    They seem older but haven't showed up in any Gulf War/Bright Star era photos yet, or recent ones for that matter.
    It features a zip "kangaroo" pocket and all that I've seen seem to have a square of velcro off to the left of the center pocket, maybe for a rank or name patch.
    This one has a Western name and number written in it.

    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Egypti13
    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Egypti14
    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Egypti15

    And last for now, a visor cap, said only to be "Mubarak era", which only really narrows it down to 80's-mid 2000's when I got it.
    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Egypti17
    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Egypti18
    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Egypti16
    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Egypti19


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    Location : new york
    Registration date : 2009-02-15
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    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Empty Re: Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff)

    Post by hawkeye4771 Thu Jan 18, 2024 10:23 pm

    Had a set of the Scrambled Egg Pattern cammies plus the M-65 type field coat. They were made of the softest cotton I've ever felt!! Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) 1f60e

    TennoHeikaNate likes this post


    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2014-04-16
    Number of posts : 9

    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Empty Re: Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff)

    Post by yalla-yalla Wed Apr 17, 2024 9:37 pm

    Those are some great photos, thanks so much for doing the research and posting them!
    The scrambled eggs anorak is very reminiscent of a plain sand anorak soldiers used during the 1973 War, which I’ve never understood either.

    TennoHeikaNate likes this post

    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 391

    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Empty Re: Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff)

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:41 pm

    @yalla, Interesting! Do you have any photos of one of those sand-colored anoraks or of Egyptian troops wearing some?
    I wouldn't be surprised if the scrambled eggs version was descendent of an earlier model given how simple and somewhat dated it looks, but from the few photos of the Egyptian side of the '73 war I have most are pretty small and poor quality.

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    Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff) Empty Re: Egyptian Scrambled Eggs (and stuff)

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