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    Egyptian Brassard

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Jens
    Age : 44
    Location : Augusta Treverorum, Germany
    Registration date : 2009-07-09
    Number of posts : 171

    Egyptian Brassard Empty Egyptian Brassard

    Post by Feindflug Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:32 am

    So, I just returned from my 2 week trip to Dahab/ Egypt and only ONE guy was willing to let me take a picture of his brassard.
    Since my arabic is limited to saying 'La Shokran' when they tried to pull me into their souvenir-shops, I have no idea
    what the brassard says.
    Only the fact that the guy was sitting at some sort of traffic controll check point suggest that he's part of some traffic police unit.

    Since Dahab is located on the Sinai there was no Military in the area except for a UN observer post.

    Egyptian Brassard Egy


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