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    Dutch Marine battledress late 1940s - early 1960s


    Name : George Egli
    Location : FL
    Registration date : 2015-01-04
    Number of posts : 19

    Dutch Marine battledress late 1940s - early 1960s Empty Dutch Marine battledress late 1940s - early 1960s

    Post by 1986USMC Tue Jan 23, 2024 1:44 am

    Good evening all,
    Here are some pictures of Dutch Marine battledress uniforms from 1945 to the 1960s.  These are Dutch made uniforms but unfortunately do not have many tags or stamps to help with dates.  Does anyone have more details about Dutch battledresses from that period?  I have read that the Army had a M49 and an M53 versions. Thanks in advance for any info provided.
    This jacket had a small size Marine 2nd class rank
    Dutch Marine battledress late 1940s - early 1960s Nld_un14
    Dutch Marine battledress late 1940s - early 1960s Nld_un12
    Dutch Marine battledress late 1940s - early 1960s Nld_un13
    This jacket had the Marine 1st class rank and the post-WWII two Korps Mariniers are side by side for comparison
    Dutch Marine battledress late 1940s - early 1960s Nld_un16
    Dutch Marine battledress late 1940s - early 1960s Nld_un15
    Dutch Marine battledress late 1940s - early 1960s Nld_un17
    The pants had a stamp and the same manufacturer tag.
    Dutch Marine battledress late 1940s - early 1960s Nld_un18
    Dutch Marine battledress late 1940s - early 1960s Nld_un19
    Dutch Marine battledress late 1940s - early 1960s Nld_un20

    Best regards,

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      Current date/time is Wed Jan 15, 2025 8:54 am