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4 posters

    Jigsaw camo chest

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Seb
    Age : 52
    Location : France
    Registration date : 2015-11-10
    Number of posts : 484

    Jigsaw camo chest Empty Jigsaw camo chest

    Post by belgium_one Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:11 am

    new find ! chest rig in jigsaw camo with label "Saber Fatalis"
    fabrication for military ou airsoft ?

    Jigsaw camo chest Vuig

    more photo's on my new Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556529758397

    Location : Germany
    Registration date : 2018-10-27
    Number of posts : 230

    Jigsaw camo chest Empty Re: Jigsaw camo chest

    Post by HEB Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:55 pm

    I think its a copy of the Arktis M170 chest rig.



    there are also Mil-Tec copies

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Seb
    Age : 52
    Location : France
    Registration date : 2015-11-10
    Number of posts : 484

    Jigsaw camo chest Empty Re: Jigsaw camo chest

    Post by belgium_one Sun Sep 08, 2024 4:39 am

    on the website "World armies" , I found photos with the same model used by belgian soldiers


    Jigsaw camo chest 86s3

    Jigsaw camo chest Zsek

    Jigsaw camo chest F7pr

    Jigsaw camo chest 9jvm

    Location : United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2022-07-08
    Number of posts : 65

    Jigsaw camo chest Empty Re: Jigsaw camo chest

    Post by matchstick Mon Sep 09, 2024 4:39 am

    From what I've seen of Belgian troops in person, they don't get as much of a hard on about troops using non-issue items for use, in fact they seem to use more non-issue kit made by firms like ARKTIS and the such than they do the stuff the forces issue them. As long as its jigsaw camo or other prescribed colours looks like anything goes.

    Not like the British, and especially the US forces, where it has to be 100% issued (although, depending on what the CoC are like there is a bit of leeway on that on exercise/ops provided its can pass for the issued rubbish or if they're sensible enough to know that everybody would rather use anything but the issue kit and there's no danger of the top corridor coming to visit).

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6990

    Jigsaw camo chest Empty Re: Jigsaw camo chest

    Post by CollectinSteve Tue Sep 10, 2024 2:34 am

    matchstick wrote:From what I've seen of Belgian troops in person, they don't get as much of a hard on about troops using non-issue items for use, in fact they seem to use more non-issue kit made by firms like ARKTIS and the such than they do the stuff the forces issue them. As long as its jigsaw camo or other prescribed colours looks like anything goes.

    Not like the British, and especially the US forces, where it has to be 100% issued (although, depending on what the CoC are like there is a bit of leeway on that on exercise/ops provided its can pass for the issued rubbish or if they're sensible enough to know that everybody would rather use anything but the issue kit and there's no danger of the top corridor coming to visit).

    I know that in 1997 when the new uniforms and equipment were released the Army came down hard on anybody using non-standard kit. It was probably necessary to stop all of the OD, old Jigsaw, and Brushstroke stuff continuing to be used and making their Army look like some sort of militia. Sounds like they softened up since then.


    Location : United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2022-07-08
    Number of posts : 65

    Jigsaw camo chest Empty Re: Jigsaw camo chest

    Post by matchstick Tue Sep 10, 2024 6:46 am

    CollectinSteve wrote:
    matchstick wrote:From what I've seen of Belgian troops in person, they don't get as much of a hard on about troops using non-issue items for use, in fact they seem to use more non-issue kit made by firms like ARKTIS and the such than they do the stuff the forces issue them. As long as its jigsaw camo or other prescribed colours looks like anything goes.

    Not like the British, and especially the US forces, where it has to be 100% issued (although, depending on what the CoC are like there is a bit of leeway on that on exercise/ops provided its can pass for the issued rubbish or if they're sensible enough to know that everybody would rather use anything but the issue kit and there's no danger of the top corridor coming to visit).

    I know that in 1997 when the new uniforms and equipment were released the Army came down hard on anybody using non-standard kit. It was probably necessary to stop all of the OD, old Jigsaw, and Brushstroke stuff continuing to be used and making their Army look like some sort of militia. Sounds like they softened up since then.


    When I was out on Defender Europe 20 at Antwerp the only bits of kit I saw the Belgian troops using that appeared to be issued was the odd shirt and pair of trousers and a couple of assault vests, and naturally their weapons, but most appeared to be wearing non-issue clothing and equipment in jigsaw camo.

    I much prefer using stuff that isn't issue, or only for issue to special types, than the standard issue stuff as (depending on brand) its much better made amongst other things. Most of our issue kit is only really fit for swanning round barracks.

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