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2 posters

    Blue Splinter Pattern Uniform - Lidové milice (People's Militia) and Fire Brigades


    Name : Carl
    Age : 52
    Location : Franklin, TN
    Registration date : 2009-02-19
    Number of posts : 282

    Blue Splinter Pattern Uniform - Lidové milice (People's Militia) and Fire Brigades Empty Blue Splinter Pattern Uniform - Lidové milice (People's Militia) and Fire Brigades

    Post by Reiska Wed May 29, 2024 4:55 pm

    Blue Splinter pattern uniform supposedly worn by the Lidové milice (People's Militia) and national Fire Brigades.

    Blue Splinter Pattern Uniform - Lidové milice (People's Militia) and Fire Brigades 53755416283_d032809681_h
    Blue Splinter Pattern Uniform - Lidové milice (People's Militia) and Fire Brigades 53755416288_45cda6b59e_h
    Blue Splinter Pattern Uniform - Lidové milice (People's Militia) and Fire Brigades 53755416303_be596222ce_h
    Blue Splinter Pattern Uniform - Lidové milice (People's Militia) and Fire Brigades 53755417838_f307a4ef65_h
    Blue Splinter Pattern Uniform - Lidové milice (People's Militia) and Fire Brigades 53755416273_f12d110a77_h
    Blue Splinter Pattern Uniform - Lidové milice (People's Militia) and Fire Brigades 53755222976_e797bf09df_h
    Blue Splinter Pattern Uniform - Lidové milice (People's Militia) and Fire Brigades 53755222921_913f223abc_h

    TennoHeikaNate likes this post


    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6993

    Blue Splinter Pattern Uniform - Lidové milice (People's Militia) and Fire Brigades Empty Re: Blue Splinter Pattern Uniform - Lidové milice (People's Militia) and Fire Brigades

    Post by CollectinSteve Fri May 31, 2024 12:49 am

    Very nice! Trousers look unissued or at least very close to it. I somehow wound up with two jackets (sets?), with differences in the cut of the jackets. One is like yours, which is a copy of the military design, the other is a 4 pocket type. There's also a 5 pocket jacket with one pocket on the right rear.

    So far I've only seen one style of trousers with two pockets on front thighs and one right rear.


      Current date/time is Mon Dec 09, 2024 3:46 am