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3 posters

    Looking for pictures of camouflage trench coats or dusters (besides custom German WWII ones)


    Location : The Americas
    Registration date : 2022-08-31
    Number of posts : 3

    Looking for pictures of camouflage trench coats or dusters (besides custom German WWII ones) Empty Looking for pictures of camouflage trench coats or dusters (besides custom German WWII ones)

    Post by ireallylikestrichtarn Tue Jun 11, 2024 4:10 pm

    I'm looking for pictures of camo trench coats, duster, etc. Essentially any camo coat that goes to the knees or longer. I've already seen some pictures of German officers during WWII wearing custom made camo trench coats, so I'm not looking for that. Most sites just bring up cheap looking coats for women, not military stuff.

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6968

    Looking for pictures of camouflage trench coats or dusters (besides custom German WWII ones) Empty Re: Looking for pictures of camouflage trench coats or dusters (besides custom German WWII ones)

    Post by CollectinSteve Wed Jun 12, 2024 1:55 am

    There's not many out there, that's for sure. Countries that kept trench coats as part of their field uniforms stuck with wool. Many of those nations didn't have a camouflage uniform at all when they were still in use. Since the 1960s trench coats have pretty much been abandoned in favor of shorter "parka" style coats.

    The only easy to get a hold of one I can think of is Austrian KAZ57 or KAZ59 parkas. You can find them on eBay pretty easily with the condition often being somewhat faded and repaired.


    Location : Oz
    Registration date : 2009-02-16
    Number of posts : 1088

    Looking for pictures of camouflage trench coats or dusters (besides custom German WWII ones) Empty Re: Looking for pictures of camouflage trench coats or dusters (besides custom German WWII ones)

    Post by filupe Fri Aug 09, 2024 12:44 pm

    For awhile the NZ Army issued a sort of DPM camo pullover greatcoat which was referred to as a 'Swandri'.

    I have also seen, possibly in this forum, a Chinese PLA green DPM long coat which I have also been looking for!

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    Looking for pictures of camouflage trench coats or dusters (besides custom German WWII ones) Empty Re: Looking for pictures of camouflage trench coats or dusters (besides custom German WWII ones)

    Post by Sponsored content

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