Small research project... I'm trying to collect pictures of all the Polish para uniforms in the US cut (US = Ubior Skotczka = Paratrooper Uniform) - Jacket: all pockets with covered buttons, pocket on each upper arm in early models, one lower arm pocket added in later models. Pants: front cargo pockets.
I have a list and have some pics already. I will update this post if anyone can add any more that aren't covered. Uniforms in bold = pics required.
01. Deszczyk (rain pattern)
02. Trial pattern 60s and 70s (petals pattern)
03. Trial pattern Gepard (leopard spot)
04. Army green moro wz.5612
05. Army green moro wz.4643
06. Marine grey moro (not sure if US uniform exists in this patern)
07. Police (MO) grey moro (same as above but would be stamped MSW - definitely exists)
08. Puma/Zaba (reptile pattern) - standard and winter models
09. UOP Green fleck
10. 1990s Police trial pattern
11. Pantera ver.1 (pockets on back of trousers as well as front)
12. Pantera ver.2 (pockets only on front of trousers)
13. Pantera ripstop (not sure if ver. with lower arm pocket exists)
14. Snajper ver. 1 (green inside)
15. Snajper ver. 2 (no green inside - not sure if ver. with lower arm pocket exists)
16. Solid Black Police
17. Solid Grey Straz Miejska (city guard)
01. Deszczyk (rain pattern)
02. Trial pattern 60s and 70s (petals pattern)
03. Trial pattern Gepard (leopard spot)
05. Army green moro wz.4643
08. Puma/Zaba (reptile pattern) - standard and winter models
09. UOP Green fleck
10. 1990s Police trial pattern
(Picture from Santiago's website)
11. Pantera ver.1 (pockets on back of trousers as well as front)
12. Pantera ver.2 (pockets only on front of trousers)
13. Pantera ripstop
14. Snajper ver. 1 (green inside)
(Picture from Santiago's website)
15. Snajper ver. 2 (no green inside - not sure if ver. with lower arm pocket exists)