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    Magdalo baseball cap

    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Age : 114
    Location : Pacific Rim
    Registration date : 2009-06-06
    Number of posts : 534

    Magdalo baseball cap Empty Magdalo baseball cap

    Post by Camosaurus Tue Mar 02, 2010 7:35 am

    These baseball caps were worn by Magdalo rebels, who mutinied against the Arroyo government, to distinguish them from gov't soldiers. They wore both cap and armband for identification. The armband is almost impossible to get but the caps are a different story. I managed to find the one who made them and I scooped everything up. Funny thing is that I'm the only one who has them and other rebels soldiers don't. lol!

    Magdalo baseball cap Bagongkatipunancap

    Magdalo baseball cap Misc107

    Magdalo baseball cap Misc106

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