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    Some cool new stuff I got today


    Location : Illinois, USA
    Registration date : 2009-07-27
    Number of posts : 991

    Some cool new stuff I got today Empty Some cool new stuff I got today

    Post by misanthropic_gods Wed Aug 11, 2010 12:41 am

    I got all of this stuff for $20.50 today

    I found a whole case full of these mugs for the CROWS (common remotely operated weapons system), once made by the now bought out company "Recon Optical inc". These were for sale at goodwill for DIRT cheap! Im thinking about grabbing a few more and offering them up for sale if anyone is interested.

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    The CROWS

    Some cool new stuff I got today Common_remotely_operated_weapons_systems
    Some cool new stuff I got today Crows_common_remotely_operated_weapon_station_united_states_003
    Some cool new stuff I got today ORD_RWS_CROWS_Hummers_lg

    The stuff I bought today, I think the first of the 3rd ID patches, the 2 branch tapes and the "Slater" nametape, and the Humphery nametape on the back of the boonie are all theater made. Also, the 1st Cav is kind of weird, the horses head and the slash have a distinct green hue to them in the light. I dont know if it has just faded to that color or what. ALL of the patches here were a dollar each!

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    Name : Ben
    Location : Lefthand side of the Atlantic
    Registration date : 2009-07-22
    Number of posts : 2705

    Some cool new stuff I got today Empty Re: Some cool new stuff I got today

    Post by Camo_fiend Wed Aug 11, 2010 2:21 am

    2 M2s and a convoy of MK19s included for only $20.50... damn, I must meet your arms supplier. Laughing
    On a serious note, cool stuff MG! I like the named boonie.

    Interested in any European digital camo.

    See my collection online: http://benscamo.webs.com/

    Location : Illinois, USA
    Registration date : 2009-07-27
    Number of posts : 991

    Some cool new stuff I got today Empty Re: Some cool new stuff I got today

    Post by misanthropic_gods Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:51 am

    Camo_fiend wrote:2 M2s and a convoy of MK19s included for only $20.50... damn, I must meet your arms supplier. Laughing
    On a serious note, cool stuff MG! I like the named boonie.

    I wish!

    Thanks, the boonie was very cheap, I like the boonies with embroidered names or nametapes!

    Name : Ben
    Location : Lefthand side of the Atlantic
    Registration date : 2009-07-22
    Number of posts : 2705

    Some cool new stuff I got today Empty Re: Some cool new stuff I got today

    Post by Camo_fiend Wed Aug 11, 2010 4:18 am

    Yes, they're definitely not bits of kit you see too frequently. (At least I haven't, maybe my area just stinks.)

    Interested in any European digital camo.

    See my collection online: http://benscamo.webs.com/

    Location : Illinois, USA
    Registration date : 2009-07-27
    Number of posts : 991

    Some cool new stuff I got today Empty Re: Some cool new stuff I got today

    Post by misanthropic_gods Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:11 am

    I actually got another boonie a few months ago from the same place, this one was directly embroidered in English and Arabic. I think I have just gotten lucky there, normally there isnt much in the way of things like that there. i have had a few good strokes of luck though

    Some cool new stuff I got today IMG_0975

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