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2 posters


    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Dan
    Age : 44
    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2011-03-03
    Number of posts : 368


    Post by 2/1kiwi Mon Apr 25, 2011 2:59 am

    They shall grow not old,
    As we that are left grow old,
    Age shall not weary them,
    Nor the years condemn.
    At the going down of the sun,
    And in the morning
    We will remember them.

    Kia Mate Toa
    Kura Takahi Puni!
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Dan
    Age : 44
    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2011-03-03
    Number of posts : 368

    ANZAC Empty Re: ANZAC

    Post by 2/1kiwi Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:31 am

    We will remember them
    Delta 66
    Delta 66

    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2011-04-18
    Number of posts : 60

    ANZAC Empty We will remember them. Rifleman Colin McOnie. Serial number: 26661

    Post by Delta 66 Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:41 am

    Rifleman Colin McOnie. Serial number: 26661

    Rifleman Colin McOnie was the son of Peter & Mary McOnie of Forest Lake Ave, Frankton Junction. He enlisted in the army and was part of H Company, 17th Reinforcements where he was posted to the 3rd New Zealand Rifle Brigade; Killed in action on the 7th June 1917 while advancing over no mans land at Messines aged 30.
    Colin’s brother George McOnie or “Geordie” as family and friends called him received the MM for acts of gallantry on the 7-9th June 1917 as a stretcher bearer. In particular on the night of 8th/9th June 1917 where "he showed the greatest gallantry and contempt of danger in the face of the hottest shellfire, and was unceasing in his efforts to get in the wounded and attend to them"

    Was Geordie looking for his brother out in no mans land on the night of 8/9th June 1917, hence his complete disregard for his safety in the heavy shellfire, thinking his brother was perhaps wounded and lying in no mans land.
    Colin McOnie was buried at the Messines Ridge British Cemetery.
    Colin and Geordie McOnie were my great, great, great uncles.

    They shall grow not old,
    As we that are left grow old,
    Age shall not weary them,
    Nor the years condemn.
    At the going down of the sun,
    And in the morning
    We will remember them.

    Kia Mate Toa
    Kura Takahi Puni!

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