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    WWI Infantry uniform question, where to find jacket and pants?


    Name : Gary
    Age : 53
    Location : Billings, MT
    Registration date : 2011-05-23
    Number of posts : 9

    WWI Infantry uniform question, where to find jacket and pants? Empty WWI Infantry uniform question, where to find jacket and pants?

    Post by 39thDeltaDivision Tue May 24, 2011 3:40 am

    WWI Infantry uniform question, where to find jacket and pants? HousleyWWI

    I'm looking to put together a WWI iniform like the one my Great grandfather is wearing in this photo. I can find jackets on eBay and other places but pants are harder to find. I'm looking for a size 34 0r 36 waist 30 long pant (can alter longer pant) and a jacket thats an XL or a large. I wouldn't mind a starter uniform void of insigna and patches. I'm also looking for the hat size 7 3/4

    WWI US Army 39th Division 64th Artil. Arkansas. Anyone know of a good place to find one online or from a collector/seller?



    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    WWI Infantry uniform question, where to find jacket and pants? Empty Re: WWI Infantry uniform question, where to find jacket and pants?

    Post by 1stDivVet Tue May 24, 2011 2:13 pm

    Hi Gary,

    Got your E mail about this but have been playing catch up since the weekend. There's a few places you can find uniforms. Are you looking for one to display or wear? Originals are hard to find in larger sizes and the thread is cotton and dry and will pop often times. Especially with movement. For originals, I'd try Bay State Militaria. I've bought from Scott severall times and have met him in person. A great, stand up guy. He has an ever changing variety of uniforms and insignia. Another place to go is Show of Shows in liousville, Ky. That's where I got my 39th uniform.
    If you are looking for a reproduction to wear, there's a few places.


    I've never dealt with any of these guys, so can't tell ya much about them. I know the quality varies and they look pretty good from some people I know have.


    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Name : Gary
    Age : 53
    Location : Billings, MT
    Registration date : 2011-05-23
    Number of posts : 9

    WWI Infantry uniform question, where to find jacket and pants? Empty Re: WWI Infantry uniform question, where to find jacket and pants?

    Post by 39thDeltaDivision Sun May 29, 2011 3:14 pm

    Hi 1stDivVet

    I'm looking for WWI and WWII Army WWI Army and Navy WWII uniforms to display that match my forefathers but they do not need to fit me. The modern Class A is something I want to wear on Memorial Day and at certain association meetings. One of the guys in this forum actually has the WWI uniform with the actuall unit patch of my grandfathers time in service, I'm hoping to find a uniform and a patch and make one if I cannot find one original. I will check the links you sent me. I'm also looking for anything related to the 111th Engineers Regiment WWI as well. Here is a link with a picture of the unit crest.

    I appreciate your help.

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    WWI Infantry uniform question, where to find jacket and pants? Empty Re: WWI Infantry uniform question, where to find jacket and pants?

    Post by 1stDivVet Wed Jun 08, 2011 12:02 am

    That'd be me with the French made WW1 tunic with the Delta patch on it. I've got access to all those uniforms. For WW2 Army, do you want the 4 pocket or the Ike? On the USN one, what rank and summer whites or dress blues?? What rate/rating? Those can be harder to find(the rates). Army insignia isn't to hard to find. I've got a lot of it and can pick out what you need. If you do one for your uncle that was in the USMC, I have a friend who would have that. Probably even one patched to the 5th. He's a vet too, so he might cut ya a deal if you are interested. PM me with all the specific information. I still have your other list of stuff, just haven't been out to my big suppliers for a bit.. My new job has kept me busy.


    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

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    WWI Infantry uniform question, where to find jacket and pants? Empty Re: WWI Infantry uniform question, where to find jacket and pants?

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