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    I would like to have your opinion about other garrison cap.


    Age : 36
    Location : Spain-Valencia
    Registration date : 2010-09-26
    Number of posts : 74

    I would like to have your opinion about other garrison cap. Empty I would like to have your opinion about other garrison cap.

    Post by William_Blond Thu Jun 09, 2011 3:47 pm

    Hi again !

    I would like to buy this garrison. Is very interesting and very nice, inside appears the mark, who say "fligh ace" and the owner's name. The colour is kakhi, so I think that this cap were used on the pacific during WWII, is it ?

    You see good this garrison ?, my friend is the person who sells this garrison, and he told me that when he bought this garrison, the past owner told him that it belonged to a USAF officer. He told me that the star who appears on the front could be new, because it seems to be new, but behind of the star appear a small inscription as you can see on the photo.

    Thanks again.

    I would like to have your opinion about other garrison cap. Portada1

    I would like to have your opinion about other garrison cap. Insigniaf

    I would like to have your opinion about other garrison cap. Tallaj

    I would like to have your opinion about other garrison cap. Nombrej

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    I would like to have your opinion about other garrison cap. Empty Re: I would like to have your opinion about other garrison cap.

    Post by 1stDivVet Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:46 pm

    This pattern of cap was used from WW2 into Vietnam. The tropical worsted material is the same. This particular pattern(envelope type) was more common post-WW2 up into the 90's. Flight Ace made hats into the 60's at least from what I have found. I'd say this one is late WW2 to mid 50's going by the size tag and lining. I'd have to see the back of the Lt. Col. oakleaf to tell the date on that. A khaki overseas cap could be worn anywhere tropical or in the summertime. It was used in the southern US, the Mediteranean, the Pacific, CBI, and the Carribean to name a few. Nice cap tho. Especially if the price is right!


    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

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