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    Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock

    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Rory Thompson
    Location : United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2011-07-21
    Number of posts : 341

    Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock Empty Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock

    Post by Tommo Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:37 am

    Got these this weekend. The shirt cost me £1 and the smock £15 with two free '68 ptn epaulettes, The shirt has a small nick on the arm and its faded other than that its pretty mint, the smock has has a few nicks and tears which have been repaired very badly, also the velcro on the cuffs has been removed, I hope to fix the old 'gal up with Para Cuffs and repair the tears with the same colour material. Sorry for the bad pics, lighting was bad and was on a phone camera.

    Different colours and buttons, similar to my issued shirt:

    Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock 8b57e054
    Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock B500bad5
    Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock A8f350b9
    Label is faded:
    Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock D254e929

    The smock is an RM Smock, however the rear rankslide has been removed. Its an early one in the same camo as some of the 68 Ptn Smocks, Early Windproofs and Early '77 Ptn Para Smocks.

    Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock A06e60e7
    Rankslide and Epaulettes:
    Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock 609ec2fa
    Label which is heavily faded:
    Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock 609ec2fa

    Matching Para Smock, Hood, 3x Rankslides (2x 2nd Lieutenants, 1 Captain) Trousers, Smock, Windproof Trousers, also have a Trop Shirt in the the same camo but more yellow.
    Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock 5cda6e1f
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Rory Thompson
    Location : United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2011-07-21
    Number of posts : 341

    Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock Empty Re: Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock

    Post by Tommo Mon Nov 21, 2011 2:34 pm

    Wont let me edit the post, so here's the label:

    Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock 0644a87f
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Rory Thompson
    Location : United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2011-07-21
    Number of posts : 341

    Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock Empty Re: Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock

    Post by Tommo Sun Nov 27, 2011 6:24 pm

    Smock has been repaired, just need some cuffs now, will post some photos soon.

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    Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock Empty Re: Trials CS95 Shirt, and my 3rd RM Smock

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