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    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform.

    jose ramon
    jose ramon
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    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Empty Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform.

    Post by jose ramon Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:03 pm

    Hello, here is a uniform I have some doubts.
    Obviously it is a tanker uniform, in 50-4 size, I think is dated 1987.
    CA in the shoulders, T55 right breast patch, T55 and star patch in left arm. Pentagonal reinforcement in knees and also a big reinforcement in butt.
    The uniform is a bit saggy like it was the outer shell of a winter uniform, but i do not found any button for the liner.
    Could be an winter uniform? or may be an work uniform to wear over the field uniform?
    Thanks in advance.

    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Dsc03961q

    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Dsc03963p

    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Dsc03966a

    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Dsc03971k

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

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    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Empty Re: Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform.

    Post by zvez Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:01 pm

    The tanker's uniforms I recalled had an integral belt on the pants but it's been a long time since I collected this stuff so that could be only for the OD tankers uniform.

    This doesn't look like the tanker uniform the more I look at it.

    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Tank_c10
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : georgia
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    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Empty Re: Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform.

    Post by zvez Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:17 pm

    an interesting thread on tanker unis. I tcould be a winter uniform as the black summer uniform was pretty much like the od uniform above.

    jose ramon
    jose ramon
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    Location : Spain
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    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Empty Re: Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform.

    Post by jose ramon Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:38 pm

    Very good link!
    I like very much the OD uniform, I have one in very used condition and another in new condition. This is the used one:
    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Dsc09985l

    I do not know if this are the matching pants, because the lacking thigh pockets.
    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Dsc099892
    jose ramon
    jose ramon
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : Spain
    Registration date : 2010-08-27
    Number of posts : 120

    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Empty Re: Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform.

    Post by jose ramon Wed Jan 11, 2012 5:54 pm

    This are the mint ones, with matching trousers ( I need to take a pic of the pants and belt):

    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Dsc01666u

    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Dsc01662yl

    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Dsc01667qc

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    Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform. Empty Re: Doubts about a soviet tanker uniform.

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