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    Strange bunch


    Location : Portugal
    Registration date : 2011-12-02
    Number of posts : 236

    Strange bunch Empty Strange bunch

    Post by Albano Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:28 pm

    While "surfing" found this strange photo

    Strange bunch Chinese%2520in%2520BW%2520issued%2520wustentarn

    The german wustentarn is probably a chinese clone (or not). The other pattern seems like a mix between norwegian and swedish patterns.

    Anyone knows what it is?

    Best regards


    Age : 48
    Location : Denmark
    Registration date : 2010-12-23
    Number of posts : 731

    Strange bunch Empty Re: Strange bunch

    Post by saltefanden Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:11 pm

    Eeerrh... Oh-kay...

    Yes, that's a really strange situation depicted there. The Wüstentarn shirts look legit enough in their construction, with pocket position, the matte black snap on buttons + the German desert shirts and jackets has flags on both right and left shoulder.
    The girl in the back is wearing either Swedish desert or Norwegian desert, hard to tell as it may be the cut if the uniform creating a more angular or 'splintered' look.
    Our asailant with the bottle is definately wearing Norwegian M/2000 deserts or a close copy, as it has the same female Velcro patches on the shoulder as the ripstop version was born with.

    I have bought genuine M/2000 sets, both desert and woodland, in China when I was stationed there, and I believe the sets were sown there as well. I have no idea what the people in the photo are doing, but it looks like some weird teambuilding exercise or test, or maybe Italian Ferrari F1-fans are toughing up themselves? Very Happy

    Last edited by saltefanden on Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Sh*tty spelling)

    Name : Daniel
    Age : 44
    Location : Poland
    Registration date : 2012-01-19
    Number of posts : 6

    Strange bunch Empty Re: Strange bunch

    Post by zolzemon Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:54 pm

    I think I have seen it in TV. This is some ladies security agency training.

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