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2 posters

    CS95 TRIAL GARMENT FLEECE (special topic for Gary and the rest my mad friends)

    Duncan McLain
    Duncan McLain

    Location : Poland
    Registration date : 2011-09-13
    Number of posts : 201

    CS95 TRIAL GARMENT FLEECE (special topic for Gary and the rest my mad friends) Empty CS95 TRIAL GARMENT FLEECE (special topic for Gary and the rest my mad friends)

    Post by Duncan McLain Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:18 pm

    Ladies and Gentelmans. A few weeks ago Gary presented CS95 Trial Goretex and I promise show the fleece to set.
    And now I want do it.

    Gary - special for You:

    Main view
    CS95 TRIAL GARMENT FLEECE (special topic for Gary and the rest my mad friends) P1000510

    CS95 TRIAL GARMENT FLEECE (special topic for Gary and the rest my mad friends) P1000511

    CS95 TRIAL GARMENT FLEECE (special topic for Gary and the rest my mad friends) P1000512

    red trial garment label
    CS95 TRIAL GARMENT FLEECE (special topic for Gary and the rest my mad friends) P1000513

    zoom for green label
    CS95 TRIAL GARMENT FLEECE (special topic for Gary and the rest my mad friends) P1000514

    comparison of camouflage. Classic DPM fleece on top. Trial fleece below.
    CS95 TRIAL GARMENT FLEECE (special topic for Gary and the rest my mad friends) P1000515

    Best regards Smile
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
    Number of posts : 3591

    CS95 TRIAL GARMENT FLEECE (special topic for Gary and the rest my mad friends) Empty Re: CS95 TRIAL GARMENT FLEECE (special topic for Gary and the rest my mad friends)

    Post by Easy Gee Mon Mar 12, 2012 4:35 pm

    Very impressed Duncan, you definitely have a fantastic collection of trials Dpm Cool

    Can't say I've ever seen a trials fleece before, but then the MoD must have trialed pretty much every piece of kit proposed for general service/usage , a very cool item Mate, many thanks for showing it..great stuff Wink

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