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2 posters

    French FELIN jacket, hot weather.

    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Dave
    Age : 61
    Location : Cambridge , UK
    Registration date : 2012-02-14
    Number of posts : 822

    French FELIN jacket, hot weather. Empty French FELIN jacket, hot weather.

    Post by Bury_Dave Sun Apr 08, 2012 9:42 pm

    Mentioned on another thread, here's some photos of my Veste, FELIN, Outre Mer ( Hot climate ).

    Nicely constructed. Slotted buttons, zipper and button front closing. 4 large front pockets with vertical zippered ones behind the chest ones. There is also a large, 2-part rear poachers pocket as well as pit zippers. The elbow reinforcements are of a heavier gauge cordura and have a velcro closing to permit the placing of foam pads. There is also a well designed detachable hood.

    This has been trialled by the FFL in Afghanistan and is now being rolled out to all the French Army. There are some well designed trousers to go with this jacket as well as vests, helmet etc.

    There are two versions, one called Francais for home use (and winter weather elsewhere) and an Outre Mer which is for hot climates (and France in the summer). This version is also mosquito-proofed.

    Nice kit ! Very Happy

    French FELIN jacket, hot weather. IMG_5711

    French FELIN jacket, hot weather. IMG_5712

    French FELIN jacket, hot weather. IMG_5710

    French FELIN jacket, hot weather. IMG_5713


    Name : Ben
    Location : Lefthand side of the Atlantic
    Registration date : 2009-07-23
    Number of posts : 2706

    French FELIN jacket, hot weather. Empty Re: French FELIN jacket, hot weather.

    Post by Camo_fiend Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:28 pm

    Cool smock, Dave. The newer-issue French gear is very nice stuff. Have to find myself some eventually. Very Happy

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