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2 posters

    Wanted: USN Digital

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Age : 33
    Location : Boca Raton, Florida, United States
    Registration date : 2011-11-01
    Number of posts : 96

    Wanted: USN Digital Empty Wanted: USN Digital

    Post by APreston Sat May 12, 2012 3:30 am

    Normally I hate digital camouflages, but seeing this every day at work in the Battleship trailer has made it grow on me. Damn working at a theatre Twisted Evil . But anywho, if someone has a hookup for USN blue pixelated camouflage, preferably in a M/R or L/R, much appreciated for the right price. However, I don't know if this is even get-able at the moment, so I may just be barking up a tree for no reason. Still, only one way to find out.
    John Brown

    Location : Houston, Texas
    Registration date : 2011-09-11
    Number of posts : 234

    Wanted: USN Digital Empty Re: Wanted: USN Digital

    Post by John Brown Sat May 12, 2012 4:16 am

    If you find a source, please let me know Smile

    I've had a "wanted" thread up for some time concerning Type 1 NWUs.

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