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2 posters

    My Green PLCE Webbing.


    Age : 53
    Location : Wales
    Registration date : 2011-05-13
    Number of posts : 3858

    My Green PLCE Webbing. Empty My Green PLCE Webbing.

    Post by Gulf91 Sun Jun 03, 2012 12:54 pm

    Thought id post up pics of my different sets and bits of Green PLCE webbing(have a few bits of DPM but no real interest in it to be honest with you).

    This set I like as its as found(nothing added or removed by myself),used but not abused.Nicely taped and bungied up. Items that are dated are all dated 1991.

    Interestingly NO e tool pouch or bayonet frog.

    My Green PLCE Webbing. 2c783553

    My Green PLCE Webbing. 7a43fac4

    My Green PLCE Webbing. D07289da

    My Green PLCE Webbing. 394f9bb5


    Age : 53
    Location : Wales
    Registration date : 2011-05-13
    Number of posts : 3858

    My Green PLCE Webbing. Empty Re: My Green PLCE Webbing.

    Post by Gulf91 Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:22 pm

    Additional Infantry bits and bobs---

    Resi Bag dated 1991.

    SA80 Infantry Bayonet+Frog dated 1990.

    Folding E Tool dated 1990 and carrier(no markings visible).Missing its rubber type inner carrier.

    Also shown for comparison a 1989 dated Bayonet Frog.

    My Green PLCE Webbing. 474069ec

    My Green PLCE Webbing. B66a816a

    My Green PLCE Webbing. 940e15ab

    My Green PLCE Webbing. Ae6828e3
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
    Number of posts : 3591

    My Green PLCE Webbing. Empty Re: My Green PLCE Webbing.

    Post by Easy Gee Mon Jun 04, 2012 1:55 pm

    Very nice Rich, I have a set of these,and equally a few odd's and sod's of OG 90 PLCE,nice to see the different variations!!

    Age : 53
    Location : Wales
    Registration date : 2011-05-13
    Number of posts : 3858

    My Green PLCE Webbing. Empty Re: My Green PLCE Webbing.

    Post by Gulf91 Mon Jun 04, 2012 2:01 pm

    Cheers Gary,also have a set of the earlier type as well,the type with the green metal loops at the rear to attach the suspenders etc.

    Love it and as said dont like the DPM stuff for some reason!!

    Unfortunately of the 3 or 4 Green Yokes i have the labels are either missing or the inkstamping is not clear so cannot date them.

    While sorting out my PLCE noticed I have a belt that appears to be web material faced and has plastic loops at the rear as opposed to the usual metal ones.
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
    Number of posts : 3591

    My Green PLCE Webbing. Empty Re: My Green PLCE Webbing.

    Post by Easy Gee Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:09 pm

    Gulf91 wrote:Cheers Gary,also have a set of the earlier type as well,the type with the green metal loops at the rear to attach the suspenders etc.

    Love it and as said dont like the DPM stuff for some reason!!

    Unfortunately of the 3 or 4 Green Yokes i have the labels are either missing or the inkstamping is not clear so cannot date them.

    While sorting out my PLCE noticed I have a belt that appears to be web material faced and has plastic loops at the rear as opposed to the usual metal ones.

    No worries Rich, I much prefer the OD webbing to DPM ,and it annoys me when the labels or stamps are not legible,anyway look forward to seeing more of type of stuff, I will watch this space.

    Not sure what the plastic looped version is, complete mystery???

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