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    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed


    Name : Arch
    Location : Kentucky, USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-13
    Number of posts : 3323

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by nkomo Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:44 am

    I am wanting some opinions on this painted jungle jacket. I have had this particular jacket in my collection for about 5 years and picked it up at the SoS (2007 or 2008) from a dealer out of Florida. I believe he told me it was 7th SFG used in Central America. Maybe even Vietnam too.

    You can see in the neck area where the fabric is worn thin and the camouflage splotches were there before the tear. Size is a Medium, but the manufacturer tag is long gone.

    To me, the paint looks old and was applied many years ago. The paint has no "paint" smell to it at all. Jacket smells old. Never has had any insignia or name tapes applied.

    I am posting this to ask for opinions. Does the camouflage look "right" to you? I don't have a tremendous amount in this piece, so I'm not out much if it proves to be done for hunting.

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed 00166
    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed 00537
    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed 00271
    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed 00447

    Always looking for Central American militaria 1965 to 1991.  Especially items relating to Coronel Velasquez El Salvador Armed Forces

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6959

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by CollectinSteve Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:30 am

    Hi Arch,

    This is similar to my jacket that I picked up from Austalian eBay a few years ago:

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed E8ffa646

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed 8e68b82a

    Obviously not the same exact style or colors, but given the range of what could have been painted... looks like they are both trying to mimic ERDL.


    Name : Arch
    Location : Kentucky, USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-13
    Number of posts : 3323

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by nkomo Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:44 am

    Thanks for the pictures and opinions, Steve.

    Always looking for Central American militaria 1965 to 1991.  Especially items relating to Coronel Velasquez El Salvador Armed Forces

    Location : losangeles.com
    Registration date : 2010-02-02
    Number of posts : 1086

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by kammo-man Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:05 am

    Both jackets look good to me.


    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6959

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by CollectinSteve Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:26 pm

    Thanks! I posted pics of this earlier and some Aussies suspected it could be from their guys who served in Vietnam. Given that it was found in Australia lends some credibility to that theory, though of course that's not conclusive since stuff moves all over the world quite easily now a days.


    Location : Portugal
    Registration date : 2011-12-02
    Number of posts : 236

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by Albano Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:39 pm

    You guys have some pretty neet unique fatigues that's for sure. I give more credit to this kind of findings than to experimental stuff. Never tell me your adress please 'cause i may be tempted to commit something crazy Laughing

    Best regards

    Name : Arch
    Location : Kentucky, USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-13
    Number of posts : 3323

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by nkomo Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:18 pm

    Thanks for the information and opinion.

    Always looking for Central American militaria 1965 to 1991.  Especially items relating to Coronel Velasquez El Salvador Armed Forces

    Name : Arch
    Location : Kentucky, USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-13
    Number of posts : 3323

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by nkomo Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:18 pm

    Albano wrote:You guys have some pretty neet unique fatigues that's for sure. I give more credit to this kind of findings than to experimental stuff. Never tell me your adress please 'cause i may be tempted to commit something crazy Laughing

    Best regards

    Always looking for Central American militaria 1965 to 1991.  Especially items relating to Coronel Velasquez El Salvador Armed Forces

    Location : losangeles.com
    Registration date : 2010-02-02
    Number of posts : 1086

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by kammo-man Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:52 pm

    Arch and Steve.........

    I honestly believe that jackets like this should be considered hidden jems.
    Ok they are NOT the rarest made pattern .......but they are something that an individual MADE ........in order to be hidden ...thus survive and live to fight another day.and for that alone places them in a little perch all of their own.

    I am working on my book project right now and would have NO problem including these in the work, hell they might even be company made as the brown stencil seems to match up on both pieces ...or am I just seeing things?

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6959

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by CollectinSteve Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:43 pm

    I agree these items are indeed quite interesting.

    When I first saw Arch's jacket I thought there was similarity in the shapes. I don't think that now. Mine appear to be much bigger. But they do seem to be heading in the same direction. As I said, given the tons of different directions an artist could go... I find it interesting how similar these two jackets are.

    The other similarity is both were made using stencils with the black lines apparently being free handed.


    Name : Martin
    Location : Perth, Western Australia
    Registration date : 2009-06-25
    Number of posts : 932

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by Martin Wed Jun 06, 2012 12:01 am

    These remind me a bit of those WW2 NZ camo painted uniforms for the Pacific, which were aparently painted in bulk.

    Location : FRANCE
    Registration date : 2010-03-30
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    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by vonstuck Thu Dec 06, 2012 5:55 pm

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed 100_8623

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed 100_8624

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed 100_8625
    Just a Number
    Just a Number

    Location : Over the water
    Registration date : 2012-12-21
    Number of posts : 46

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by Just a Number Fri Jan 18, 2013 4:17 pm

    What type of paint is used? Is this done by spray can or brush like the old Dennisons?

    Location : losangeles.com
    Registration date : 2010-02-02
    Number of posts : 1086

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by kammo-man Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:34 pm

    Spray .
    WW2 denisons used dye .

    Just a Number
    Just a Number

    Location : Over the water
    Registration date : 2012-12-21
    Number of posts : 46

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by Just a Number Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:34 am

    Thanks, I was really asking about the application technique and what kind of paint was used on their pieces rather than quibble about dye or paint. Also can one of the gents that actually has these give some insight on how this looks to have been done? Spray and stencil, free hand with a brush? I'd very much like to know. I'm refering to the original ones posted, not so much the black squiggly line one that was clearly done with a spray can.

    Location : losangeles.com
    Registration date : 2010-02-02
    Number of posts : 1086

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by kammo-man Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:19 pm

    sorry for answering chief .

    Just a Number
    Just a Number

    Location : Over the water
    Registration date : 2012-12-21
    Number of posts : 46

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by Just a Number Wed Jan 23, 2013 11:30 pm

    I didn't mean it like that at all mate, just trying to clarify the infomation I was after since it apparently wasn't clear.
    Lieutenant Colonel
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    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by koalorka Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:44 am

    Looks like a rattle-can job with some home-made stencil...

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6959

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by CollectinSteve Thu Jan 24, 2013 12:54 am

    Yeah, the thing that bothers me about all of these (but especially Gilles' type) is that anybody can go out and grab a set of jungles and paint them up. Put them in the wash a couple of times, then the dryer on high with some shoes tossed in, and bingo... pretty convincing.

    I say especially Gilles' example because that was a pretty common US Special Forces approach IIRC.

    Either way, it's really not possible to prove any of these are legitimate short of a period photo with the same jacket and some connection to the guy in the picture (estate, neighbor, etc.).

    Just a Number
    Just a Number

    Location : Over the water
    Registration date : 2012-12-21
    Number of posts : 46

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by Just a Number Thu Jan 24, 2013 11:35 am

    I'd hope that wasn't the case, since if these are legit they are a fantastic find.

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6959

    Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed Empty Re: Painted Jungle Jacket - Opinions Needed

    Post by CollectinSteve Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:56 pm

    Each piece would have to be examined carefully. If they were legitimately painted when the item was relatively new and unworn, there should be signs of "compatible" wear. For example, if the knees are faded/damaged then the paint should not be as strong/bright/solid as sections that have significantly less wear (like the backs of sleeves). Likewise, if the uniform is overall significantly faded/used the pain should not appear bright/fresh overall.

    It's hard to tell from pictures, but if you look at my jacket's chest pockets you can see that the orange/brown color is not uniform. Edges on the tops of the lower pockets is also a bit worn.

    Still, there are reenactors out there who make such things and then wear them a lot. Enough that they could cause the paint to be significantly worn. So my thinking with such items is:

    1. If there are few signs of compatible wear, it's probably a fake
    2. If there are signs of compatible wear, it might be legit
    3. The only way to know for sure is to have solid documentation of the specific piece in question

    #3, unfortunately, is a tall order so #2 is probably the best we can do.


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