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    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s?


    Location : Outer Heaven
    Registration date : 2012-02-03
    Number of posts : 6

    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? Empty Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s?

    Post by RedLion1 Fri Jun 08, 2012 10:47 pm

    Hello, I hope that I am posting in the right area but I was given these insignia and I was told that they are from the 1960s - 1980s. I know that they are Turkish but would anyone happen to know what they are for? Also, I have the patch to right in two sizes, but why would they come in two different sizes?

    I also have one with the words " Jandarama Komando" on it, what are the differences? Please excuse me, I usually only deal with middle eastern items and there is not a lot of references on Turkish Militaria.

    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? KGr_Hq_FHJEYE91_m_LTCy_BPm_Rcw_Q_60_3

    Location : Turkey
    Registration date : 2011-08-20
    Number of posts : 51

    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? Empty Re: Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s?

    Post by DENO Mon Jun 11, 2012 8:09 pm

    The right one is "commando" patent. Turkish Armed Forces have 7 Main Commando brigate. 1 Gendarmerie commando Brigade ,1 parashuter commando Brigade , 4 Army Mauntain Commando brigade and 1 Navy Marine-Commando brigade...

    A Soldier who belongs to gendarmerie commando and armny mountain commando brigades attachs this this patent on his uniform....
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? UMMNE

    Commando brigades faunded late of the 1980's for the terror zones. Thay are fighting to the PKK terrorist in the Southeastern zones of the Turkey....

    Also the "Jandarma Comando" İn (English word Gendarmerie Commando)forces are fighting from the PKK terrorist in the terro zone.The only difference is they are depending Gendarmerie branch of the Turkish Armed Forces.

    Some pics about Gendarmerie commando forces of the Turkish Armed forces...

    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? XBBkk
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? L6z0u
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? MKeQ8
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? 6mcXn
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? UeiXq
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? 5FIa9
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? JaT1U
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? UR9EO
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? QsuFJ
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? M2sMm
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? 1XJMO

    Location : Outer Heaven
    Registration date : 2012-02-03
    Number of posts : 6

    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? Empty Re: Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s?

    Post by RedLion1 Wed Jun 13, 2012 3:54 pm

    DENO wrote:The right one is "commando" patent. Turkish Armed Forces have 7 Main Commando brigate. 1 Gendarmerie commando Brigade ,1 parashuter commando Brigade , 4 Army Mauntain Commando brigade and 1 Navy Marine-Commando brigade...

    A Soldier who belongs to gendarmerie commando and armny mountain commando brigades attachs this this patent on his uniform....
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? UMMNE

    Commando brigades faunded late of the 1980's for the terror zones. Thay are fighting to the PKK terrorist in the Southeastern zones of the Turkey....

    Also the "Jandarma Comando" İn (English word Gendarmerie Commando)forces are fighting from the PKK terrorist in the terro zone.The only difference is they are depending Gendarmerie branch of the Turkish Armed Forces.

    Some pics about Gendarmerie commando forces of the Turkish Armed forces...

    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? XBBkk
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? L6z0u
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? MKeQ8
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? 6mcXn
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? UeiXq
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? 5FIa9
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? JaT1U
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? UR9EO
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? QsuFJ
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? M2sMm
    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? 1XJMO

    Thank you for the information. I was told that it is a mountain commando qualification insignia, now if it is just a commando qualification. What are differences between the mountain commando qualification insignia and the commando qualification insignia? Is there such thing a mountain commando qualification insignia?

    You would think this information would be posted up on the Turkish Armed Forces website.

    Age : 47
    Location : Cyprus
    Registration date : 2012-10-20
    Number of posts : 4

    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? Empty Re: Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s?

    Post by kwasura Mon Jan 07, 2013 4:24 pm

    Thank you, Deno, for the very useful information.

    Could you, please, help to identify this badge?

    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? 2vQ1V

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    Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s? Empty Re: Unknown Turkish Insignias from the 1960s -1980s?

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