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5 posters

    Complete sets of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)


    Location : IACMC
    Registration date : 2012-01-27
    Number of posts : 32

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Empty Complete sets of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)

    Post by andrex_yz Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:12 pm


    The TNI standard DPM pattern.(CAMOPEDIA)
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMTNIDETAIL2
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMTNIDETAIL1
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMTNIFULLPATCH

    A pixelated version of the standard DPM camouflage pattern.(CAMOPEDIA)
    NB : The FNC in the pict is not a real gun. It's just a TOYS. It's an airsoft gun made by STAR.
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMRAIDER1
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMRAIDER2
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMRAIDERFULLPATCH

    A Special Forces Command
    Is an Indonesian Army special forces.
    The Loreng Darah Mangalir ("flowing blood") pattern. This is currently worn for ceremonial & training purposes only.(CAMOPEDIA)
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMKOPASUSDETAIL2
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMKOPASUSDETAIL
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMKOPASUS3

    The Korps Pasukan Khas
    Is an elite Special Forces Corps of the Indonesian Air Force.
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMPASKASDETAIL2
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMPASKASDETAIL-2
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMPASKASFULLPATCH-1

    Marine Commando Corps
    A brushstroke camouflage pattern. (CAMOPEDIA)
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMMARINIRDETAIL2
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMMARINIRDETAIL
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMMARINIRFULLPATCH

    Marine Commando Corps
    A second series of the Macan Tutul Marinir (Marine Corps Leopard) pattern camouflage was adopted in 2011, incorporating a color change. (CAMOPEDIA)
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMTNIALMarinirDorengTutul1
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMTNIALDorengTutul
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SeragamTNIALMarinirDorengTutul

    The Indonesian Navy
    Around the middle of 2011, the Indonesian Navy adopted a new camouflage design for ship crews. The design is known locally as Doreng Layar, or "sailing camouflage." It is interesting to note that the design incorporates the silhouette of a naval vessel into the pattern. (CAMOPEDIA)
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SeragamTNIALDorengLayar1
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SeragamTNIALDorengLayar2
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SeragamTNIALDorengLayarSet

    The Navy Komando Pasukan Katak
    Is the premier frogman and underwater demolition unit of the Indonesian Navy.
    Since 2006, the Navy Komando Pasukan Katak have been wearing their own pixelated camouflage design. A second version utilizing lighter colors.(CAMOPEDIA)
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMTNIALKopaska2
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMTNIALKopaska3
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SeragamTNIALKopaska

    The TNI standard DPM pattern used in Peacekeeper Operation : Military Police. (CAMOPEDIA)
    NB : The FNC in the pict is not a real gun. It's just a TOYS. It's an airsoft gun made by STAR.
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SeragamTNIUNIFILMALVINAS-1
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  VESTTNIMALVINAS

    The TNI desert pattern used in Peacekeeper Operation
    Circa 2010, the DPM camouflage pattern seen here has been issued to Indonesian military personnel serving in United Nations deployments, such as UNIFIL.(CAMOPEDIA)
    NB : The FNC in the pict is not a real gun. It's just a TOYS. It's an airsoft gun made by STAR.
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SeragamTNIUNIFIL
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SeragamTNIUNIFIL1
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SeragamTNIUNIFIL2
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SeragamTNIUNIFIL3
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SeragamTNIUNIFILDesert

    Indonesian National Military Police
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMPROVOST2
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMPROVOST2a

    Indonesian National Traffic Police
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMPOLANTAS1
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMPOLANTAS2

    Indonesian National Police Special Force Unit
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMBRIMOBPDK2
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMBRIMOBHITAM2

    The Civil Service Police Unit
    Is an Indonesian law-enforcement body, operated by the Department of Home Affairs. Its members are known as 'public order officers'.
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMPOLPPcopy

    Location : IACMC
    Registration date : 2012-01-27
    Number of posts : 32

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Empty Re: Complete sets of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)

    Post by andrex_yz Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:22 pm

    reserved for update

    Location : Oz
    Registration date : 2009-02-16
    Number of posts : 1088

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Empty Re: Complete sets of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)

    Post by filupe Sat Aug 25, 2012 5:05 pm

    Very comprehensive - thanks for posting!

    Location : IACMC
    Registration date : 2012-01-27
    Number of posts : 32

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Empty Re: Complete sets of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)

    Post by andrex_yz Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:30 am


    The TNI standard DPM pattern
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  StandardDPM

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Sakti4622PM

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Raider

    A Special Forces Command
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Kopassus1

    The Korps Pasukan Khas
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Paskhas1

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Paskhas3

    Marine Commando Corps
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Marinir

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Marinir2

    The Indonesian Navy
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Indonesiannavy

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Navy

    The Navy Komando Pasukan Katak
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Kopaska3

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Kopaska1-1

    The TNI desert pattern used in Peacekeeper Operation
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Unifil

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Unifil3

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Unifil5

    The TNI standard DPM pattern used in Peacekeeper Operation : Military Police.
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Unifil2-1

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Unifil1

    Indonesian National Traffic Police
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  BriptuekaComplete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Briptueka1
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  PolwanComplete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Briptueka2
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Polwan1

    Indonesian National Police Special Force Unit
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  BRIMOB1

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  BRIMOB2

    The Civil Service Police Unit
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Satpolpp

    NB: I'm very sorry if the picture's above belongs to someone. The source is from google mostly. Just for references.

    Best Regards

    Last edited by andrex_yz on Sun Aug 26, 2012 3:14 am; edited 2 times in total
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : clayton
    Location : Florida
    Registration date : 2011-08-26
    Number of posts : 305

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Empty Re: Complete sets of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)

    Post by Gemini Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:56 am

    I see Indonesia is a fan of the FAL.Good taste!Why is the Flowing blood pattern ceremonial only?
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : Ireland
    Registration date : 2010-01-13
    Number of posts : 448

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Empty Re: Complete sets of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)

    Post by fourtycoats Sun Aug 26, 2012 4:51 pm

    Super photos! Well done.

    Location : IACMC
    Registration date : 2012-01-27
    Number of posts : 32

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Empty Re: Complete sets of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)

    Post by andrex_yz Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:50 am

    Indonesian National Police Special Force Unit
    The National Police Resimen Pelopor (MENPOR) - a Special Operations/Ranger unit - was initially issued a vertical stripe camouflage pattern of their own in 1966. [8] The version of this pattern show here is a recent one, worn ceremonially since 2000. (CAMOPEDIA)
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SeragamBRIMOBMENPOR
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMBRIMOBMENPOR1

    Indonesian Military Police (Polisi Militer Angkatan Darat (POMAD))
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SeragamPOMAD
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMPOMAD1

    Indonesian Military Police (Polisi Militer Angkatan Laut (POMAL))
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SeragamPOMAL
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  SERAGAMPOMAL1


    Location : IACMC
    Registration date : 2012-01-27
    Number of posts : 32

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Empty Re: Complete sets of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)

    Post by andrex_yz Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:55 am

    Indonesian National Police Special Force Unit (CAMO MENPOR VERSION - CEREMONIAL)
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Brimobloreng

    Indonesian Military Police (Polisi Militer Angkatan Darat (POMAD))
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Pomad3
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Pomadpaspampres1

    ndonesian Military Police (Polisi Militer Angkatan Laut (POMAL))
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  POMAL
    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Pomal3

    NB: I'm very sorry if the picture's above belongs to someone. The source is from google mostly. Just for references.

    Best Regards

    Registration date : 2011-07-29
    Number of posts : 1497

    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Empty Re: Complete sets of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)

    Post by jimmyduncan23 Mon Aug 19, 2013 5:24 am

    Great photos, a area where im looking into collecting from, one of our closest neighbour and biggest

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    Complete sets  of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)  Empty Re: Complete sets of Indonesian Military and Police Camouflage Patterns (UPDATE)

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