by sh4pak Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:54 am
Thank you for that [extremely] useful point of information, Bob. Simple and direct guidance like this is hard to find via Google.
Oh, for what it is worth-- this particular specimen *does* feature direct embroidery, into the liner, however-- it isn't added fabric. What they did was to strip off the sweatband, then add the needlework, then re-attach the band. I wondered why it looked the way it did; why the sweatband looked "replaced," and this answers that question.
Sneaky... but clever. I was totally duped, and didn't start asking myself hard questions until I was out in the parking lot-- *because* of the direct embroidery.
And I gotta' be honest-- it was such a rush, finding something like this for three-dollars, I didn't take the time to scrutinize as much as I should have. But then again... the rush was kinda' cool. In the end, the experience was worth three bucks, and the subsequent education, worth a great deal more.
Thanks again,