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2 posters

    New Zealand Woodland pants trade for US items.............

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Johnny
    Age : 64
    Location : US/Florida
    Registration date : 2012-11-21
    Number of posts : 117

    New Zealand Woodland pants trade for US items............. Empty New Zealand Woodland pants trade for US items.............

    Post by imagehunter Wed Nov 21, 2012 2:37 am

    I have a 1980 dated pair of New Zealand Woodland pants ,they are in good like new condition, no tears,have all buttons and are a size 7 on the tag. I would like to trade them for any of the following two items of US type,
    USAF ABU (Green) tigerstripe hat 7 1/2
    USAF ABU (Blue ) tigerstripe hat 7 1/2
    USMC Desert Storm Digital 8 point hat 7 1/2
    US Navy Blue Digital hat 7 1/2

    Or any one pair of pants waist size 36-38,long legs
    USAF ABU(Blue) digital
    US Army Multicam
    US Navy Blue Digital
    USMC Desert Digital

    Any of these in good to like new conditon please
    Can only trade in the US please .

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Tyler Sayer
    Age : 29
    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2011-07-14
    Number of posts : 86

    New Zealand Woodland pants trade for US items............. Empty Re: New Zealand Woodland pants trade for US items.............

    Post by KiwiWarrior1994 Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:28 am

    New Zealand dont have woodland the have NZDPM

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