Hi all, I'm new on this forum but I have been on the Army Rumour Service (ARRSE) for a while. I'm doing a month as a civilian instructor at my cadet unit (CCCU) before I head off to basic training in march,and I'm sorting out the outdoor stores. As such, a couple of problems have arisen. One, most of the hootchies owned by the unit are of the old, yellow-ish DPM type, and as such do not have much in the way of waterproofing qualities, I'm wondering if they can be re-waterproofed and if so, how? As it seems that repairing current stores is a more beneficial route than buying new gear. Two. the unit seems to have hundreds of canteens, some dating from the vietnam or korean wars and as such some are very manky etc. Does anyone know of a reliable method to clean canteens without leaving a residue or lingering chemical taste to any water carried in the canteens in the future?