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    Coyote or Tan webbing/molle/kit and clothing large sizes wanted

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Rich
    Age : 41
    Location : West Sussex
    Registration date : 2012-03-24
    Number of posts : 144

    Coyote or Tan webbing/molle/kit and clothing large sizes wanted Empty Coyote or Tan webbing/molle/kit and clothing large sizes wanted

    Post by Rich83 4/4/2013, 15:28

    I am after as the title suggests. USMC kit welcome or generic nato stock.

    It take US Sizes extra large / long in both top or bottoms or UK size 85/96/108 trousers and 190/108 tops.

    Anything considered!

      Current date/time is 8/12/2024, 15:43