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3 posters

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack.

    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
    Number of posts : 3591

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. Empty 37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack.

    Post by Easy Gee Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:13 am

    Hi Guys.

    More old school Brit kit..

    37 Pattern webbing , Large Pack and straps, I've had this years,in fact I used it in college to carry my assignments etc, so it might have not seen much action in WW2, but it certainely helped me through my formative years, it used to have Rock band graffiti on the front,so I had to Blanco over this !!!! Laughing

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. P3210013
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
    Number of posts : 3591

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. Empty Re: 37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack.

    Post by Easy Gee Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:14 am

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. P3210014
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
    Number of posts : 3591

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. Empty Re: 37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack.

    Post by Easy Gee Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:16 am

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. P3210015
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : AUSTRALIA
    Registration date : 2010-10-22
    Number of posts : 146

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. Empty Re: 37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack.

    Post by 2ndAIF Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:02 am

    Hey Gary thats one weird looking pack mate, Ive never seen one with those attachment loops on the sides and top flap. Its actually a patt 08 large pack, same as they used in ww1, But they were intergrated into and became part of the 37 patt gear.
    Are you sure its actually British? and not some post war European type 08 pack?
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
    Number of posts : 3591

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. Empty Re: 37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack.

    Post by Easy Gee Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:31 pm

    2ndAIF wrote:Hey Gary thats one weird looking pack mate, Ive never seen one with those attachment loops on the sides and top flap. Its actually a patt 08 large pack, same as they used in ww1, But they were intergrated into and became part of the 37 patt gear.
    Are you sure its actually British? and not some post war European type 08 pack?

    Thanks for looking Mate, and thanks for the info,I've always known it as a 37 Pattern Large pack,and I'm pretty sure it's British issue,under the flap there is a printed stamp, and when I got the pack Years ago this was very clear,but over the years,and many wild parties later it's faded right out, I vaguely remember it saying something along the lines of the manafacturer and a date,which I'm sure was in the 40's !!!!

    I don't think it's a Euro pack, and the little I do know about it is...post war packs had blackened steel fittings,WW2 issue had brass fittings.

    This is quite cool actually ,as after all these years I'm still not sure what this pack is scratch Laughing

    Cheers mate Very Happy
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Dale
    Age : 53
    Location : Alberta Canada
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    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. Empty Re: 37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack.

    Post by Mk1rceme Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:05 pm

    I have a similar pack...Dated 1941 and made by Peckwash Mills.

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. Comple12
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : AUSTRALIA
    Registration date : 2010-10-22
    Number of posts : 146

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. Empty Re: 37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack.

    Post by 2ndAIF Tue Mar 22, 2011 2:31 am

    Thats a really nice medics pack Dale! Thanks for showing it, Its got that been there done that look to it too, which I love. Well I stand corrected on the pack Gary, maybe the loops are a early war addition that was dropped later? I have a unissued British 1945 dated large pack and It doesnt have them on it, neither does the 3 or 4 Canadian ZLT and Aussie made ones I have which are all 42 or 43 dated, I love the old 37 webbing I have at least 7 complete sets of it plus tons of spares and accessories I collected years ago when it was still cheap and really easy to find in good condition, I even have a crate full of unissued canadian basic pouches in the garage I think I paid 40 or 50c each for them years ago been giving them away ever since Laughing
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
    Number of posts : 3591

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. Empty Re: 37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack.

    Post by Easy Gee Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:06 am

    Mk1rceme wrote:I have a similar pack...Dated 1941 and made by Peckwash Mills.

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. Comple12

    Very nice medic pack mate,nice one ,would'nt that one in my collection Wink
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
    Number of posts : 3591

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. Empty Re: 37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack.

    Post by Easy Gee Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:08 am

    2ndAIF wrote:Thats a really nice medics pack Dale! Thanks for showing it, Its got that been there done that look to it too, which I love. Well I stand corrected on the pack Gary, maybe the loops are a early war addition that was dropped later? I have a unissued British 1945 dated large pack and It doesnt have them on it, neither does the 3 or 4 Canadian ZLT and Aussie made ones I have which are all 42 or 43 dated, I love the old 37 webbing I have at least 7 complete sets of it plus tons of spares and accessories I collected years ago when it was still cheap and really easy to find in good condition, I even have a crate full of unissued canadian basic pouches in the garage I think I paid 40 or 50c each for them years ago been giving them away ever since Laughing

    No worries Mate, the crate of Canadian basic pouches sounds fantastic,pity I don't live near you...I'd have one Wink
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : AUSTRALIA
    Registration date : 2010-10-22
    Number of posts : 146

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. Empty Re: 37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack.

    Post by 2ndAIF Tue Mar 22, 2011 12:25 pm

    haha mate If you lived near me Id be more than happy to give you 10 pairs lol!
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
    Number of posts : 3591

    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. Empty Re: 37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack.

    Post by Easy Gee Tue Mar 22, 2011 3:24 pm

    2ndAIF wrote:haha mate If you lived near me Id be more than happy to give you 10 pairs lol!

    Very Happy 10 pairs sounds cool to me ,but alas the distance is too much....I can dream Luke!

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    37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack. Empty Re: 37 Pattern Webbing -Large Pack.

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