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2 posters

    Southern Cross Funds Duck Hunter camo toiletry bag


    Name : Aidan
    Age : 26
    Location : South Africa
    Registration date : 2013-06-17
    Number of posts : 13

    Southern Cross Funds Duck Hunter camo toiletry bag Empty Southern Cross Funds Duck Hunter camo toiletry bag

    Post by sovietrpg Thu Jun 27, 2013 2:05 pm

    Southern Cross Funds Duck Hunter camo toiletry bag Img_0310 Heres my Duck hunter camo toiletry bag. Does anyone have any other items used by the SADF in this pattern? I havent seen any others so it would be cool to see what else was in this pattern


    Location : Cape Town, South Africa
    Registration date : 2009-06-04
    Number of posts : 29

    Southern Cross Funds Duck Hunter camo toiletry bag Empty Re: Southern Cross Funds Duck Hunter camo toiletry bag

    Post by Ferdie Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:42 am

    This was not SADF issue, this was given to troops by the Southern Cross fund when deployed on the border. It had a pocket knife, envelopes, writing paper, a pen and such goodies. Mostly in different colors plastic , but I’ve seen the camo version on occasion, tthough quite rare.

      Current date/time is Mon Oct 14, 2024 8:24 am