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Grim Reaper
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    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror


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    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror Empty Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror

    Post by filupe Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:35 am

    AFAIK Govt. issue desert cam (known as 'Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform' - DPDU) webbing has only been available since 2005 - previously soldiers would make do with whatever issue and private purchase rigs available and hand paint them either in DPDU colours or plain khaki wash.

    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror 100_3482

    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror 100_3484
    Above two pics show Auscam Arktis-type chest rig hand camo'ed in DPDU colours

    The 'Peacekeeper' chest rig is from Platypus Outdoors (under the brand 'Plat-a-tac') - at the outbreak of Australia's involvement in the 'Global War on Terror', they were contracted to do an emergency batch for SF but could only find Brit Desert DPM material at short notice. Hence DDPM chest rigs were feature of early SASR operations in the GWoT and DDPM 'Swimmer' vests likewise were characteristic of Naval Clearance Divers of the same period. This is hard intel from someone working in the company at the time.

    Subsequently, the 'Peacekeeper' (and their other LBE rigs) were manufactured in Plat-a-tac's version of 2nd Pattern DPDU (as DoD had copyright on pattern) which were picked up by individuals on subsequent rotations.

    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror 100_3478
    The Plat-a-tac 'Peacekeeper' chest rig in faux 2nd Pattern Desert Auscam. Pics indicate that this chest rig was very popular.

    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror JPAU10NOV03DH13-homepaintedwebbi-1
    November 2003 - Then Aust. Defence Minister visits RAAF ADG's in Iraq. Note that two sport Auscam webbing, two wear hand-camo'ed vests and one has the Desert Auscam 'Peacekeeper'.

    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror 20050530adf8239682_368-smallie-mod
    April 2005 - Infantry Section Commander on patrol in Iraq. He wears standard Auscam webbing which has been modified and expertly hand-painted to replicate 3rd Pattern Desert Auscam. Study of pics on the ADF website would indicate that the first issues of 'Land 125' webbing in DPDU would occur later in the year.

    Currently the LBE being worn is a webbing/vest system under the 'Land 125' program which is MOLLE compatible and fully modular. For more info on this new LBE see here: Land 125 ICLCE

    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror Mil-DesertLand125front

    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror Mil-DesertLand125rear

    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror Mil-DesertLand125layout

    DPDU 'Land 125' Webbing Vest
    Recent pictures and discussion with serving grunts seem to indicate that 'Land 125' is not overly popular and that khaki LBE developed by SORD seem to be the preferred choice

    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror 100_2292

    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror 100_2293
    The ADF issue pistol drop-holster and magazine carriers from Land 125 system (note that it is for a left-handed pistol!)
    Grim Reaper
    Grim Reaper

    Name : Grim Reaper
    Age : 57
    Location : St Albans Hertfordshire England
    Registration date : 2009-08-25
    Number of posts : 282

    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror Empty Re: Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror

    Post by Grim Reaper Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:02 pm

    Great pics and excellant kit, I particularly like the hand painted cam on the chest rig and I think it looks really effective


    Name : Jeremy
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    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror Empty Re: Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror

    Post by Mercenary25 Thu Aug 27, 2009 4:07 pm

    Cool stuff! I agree with GR, I really like painted camo rig. It looks cool and unique.

    Is it just me, DPDU appeared to be too white, is it photography? Also, I wonder why they have purple colour in their camo pattern, not like it's effective since it's not "natural" color?

    Best quote of generation by Mr.B:: dude #$%^&* ww2 navy LMAO.

    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror Oifbanner

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Jens
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    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror Empty Re: Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror

    Post by Feindflug Fri Aug 28, 2009 4:49 am

    I guess it really is photography, coz having the vest myself the colours are quite luscious.
    But it also might be the material the manufacturer used.
    As for the chest rigg (not hand-painted) the colours are really like this (no fading by photography)
    From my memory this CR is a pretty early version by Pla-A-Tac.

    Name : Steve Hoeger
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    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror Empty Re: Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror

    Post by panzerwerk Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:14 am

    WOW,Great scores !!!! the colors are fantastic !

    Name : Ben
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    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror Empty Re: Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror

    Post by Camo_fiend Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:53 pm

    That hand-painted chest rig is neat. A truly functional work of art.

    Interested in any European digital camo.

    See my collection online: http://benscamo.webs.com/
    Trundle Troop

    Location : Bathurst, NSW, Australia
    Registration date : 2014-08-30
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    Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror Empty Re: Australian Load Bearing Equipment of the Global War against Terror

    Post by Trundle Troop Sat Aug 30, 2014 7:29 am

    Fifth pic down, the Digger with F88 resting on his right hand pouch. That pouch is a modified 37 Pattern large ammunition pouch, sometimes known in Aussie circles as a Bren Pouch. Its got a pull down Fastex buckle and strap closure on it and has a strip of what looks like commercial Chinese copy pistol belt sewn around the bottom of it. Great utilisation of old kit in a modern scenario Cool

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