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3 posters

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU)


    Location : Oz
    Registration date : 2009-02-16
    Number of posts : 1088

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) Empty Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU)

    Post by filupe Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:38 am

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) 100_4881
    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) 100_4883
    1st pattern DPDU shirt and tag - note 2002 date

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) 100_4884
    1st pattern DPDU pants - note 3-colour printing and standard ADF cut (pre-Land 125) at the time

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) 100_4890

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) 100_4891
    3rd pattern DPDU hats - L to R: short brim; long brim with terry towel brow band and lining; long brim without terry towel

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) B-DPDUHardfacefront

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) 100_4896
    3rd pattern cold weather jacket and pants

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) 100_2262-1
    3rd pattern wet weather 'Emphatex' jacket

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) 100_2270-1
    Comparison of detail differences between DPDU and DPCU 'Emphatex' wet weather jackets

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) 2DPDU01
    2nd pattern wet weather 'Emphatex' jacket

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) 2DPDU02
    Comparison of detail differences between 2nd pattern and 3rd pattern DPDU 'Emphatex' wet weather jackets

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) 2DPDU03
    Comparison of colours between 2nd pattern and 3rd pattern DPDU 'Emphatex' material
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : Melbourne, Victoria
    Registration date : 2009-02-22
    Number of posts : 172

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) Empty Re: Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU)

    Post by Mr-X Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:55 am

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) DPDUheadgear
    My assorted hats and helmets. I now also have a 3rd pattern ECH cover.

    Location : Oz
    Registration date : 2009-02-16
    Number of posts : 1088

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) Empty Re: Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU)

    Post by filupe Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:17 pm

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) IMGP1229

    1st, 2nd, and 3rd Pattern DPDU brassards - now largely obsolete given that insignia is now attached to the Land 125 DPDU uniform via velcro

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6983

    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) Empty Re: Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU)

    Post by CollectinSteve Wed Apr 08, 2009 3:44 pm

    Great stuff! Some very rare kit in what you showed off. I've never seen a pic of the cold weather gear even. Thanks for sharing!!


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    Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU) Empty Re: Australian Army Disruptive Pattern Desert Uniform (DPDU)

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