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4 posters

    Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information?


    Location : PA
    Registration date : 2013-09-28
    Number of posts : 3

    Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information? Empty Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information?

    Post by Cuysan Sat Sep 28, 2013 6:23 pm


    I'm guessing Vietnam era would be correct for this poster. I'm trying to identify what it is and when it may have been used. It's been sitting in our home for the past 20+ years. Very large poster on thick illustration board. It measures 40" wide x 30" tall.  Any information would be appreciated. confused 

    Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information? NBC-Attack-Poster1

    Name : Bob Chatt
    Age : 57
    Location : Huntington Beach, CA
    Registration date : 2011-07-26
    Number of posts : 265

    Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information? Empty Re: Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information?

    Post by vintageproductions Mon Sep 30, 2013 4:10 pm

    Doesn't look like Vietnam era graphics. Looks more 1980's period.

    ASMIC Executive Vice President

    Location : PA
    Registration date : 2013-09-28
    Number of posts : 3

    Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information? Empty Re: Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information?

    Post by Cuysan Mon Sep 30, 2013 4:45 pm

    Thanks for the input. So most likely something in the Middle East. I'll attempt to move or have the thread moved. Thanks again.....

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
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    Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information? Empty Re: Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information?

    Post by 1stDivVet Mon Sep 30, 2013 9:35 pm

    Moved it here since we don't have a definate date or a specific bransh. Nice poster!

    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Location : PA
    Registration date : 2013-09-28
    Number of posts : 3

    Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information? Empty Re: Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information?

    Post by Cuysan Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:00 am

    Thank you 1stDivVet. It is a pretty cool poster. We just don't have a place for it.
    Cobra 6 Actual
    Cobra 6 Actual

    Name : Joe
    Age : 78
    Location : Virginia, USA
    Registration date : 2015-09-19
    Number of posts : 74

    Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information? Empty Re: Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information?

    Post by Cobra 6 Actual Sun Sep 20, 2015 4:41 pm

    Late to answer, but: the troops are wearing M17 protective masks that were in service in the US military from approx. 1959 to the late 1980's, when the M40 replaced it. Also, during the 1960's the US used the acronym CBR (for "Chemical, Biological, Radiological") instead of NBC ... which was ultimately replaced by CBRN/CBRNE. As an aside, during and just after WWII the acronym was ABC for "Atomic, Biological, and Chemical."

    So, what all of the foregoing means is that this poster is probably from the mid-1970's to the late 1980's. Hope that all helps.

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    Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information? Empty Re: Vintage NBC Attack Poster Information?

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