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    M42 restored helmet


    Age : 36
    Location : Spain-Valencia
    Registration date : 2010-09-26
    Number of posts : 74

    M42 restored helmet Empty M42 restored helmet

    Post by William_Blond Sun Nov 17, 2013 12:37 pm

    Hi !

    Some days ago I bought an M42 german helmet who was found in Thuringen (Germany) during an excavation in 2011. Was found inside a bunker with other german helmets and some russian helmet.

    Personally I prefer remove the oxide and sand and leave the helmet in its original form. The same way that it was found, I think in this way have a lot of personality. It is a clear example from a past period, witness of a lot of stories.

    To restore it, first of all I remove the most superficial oxide and sand, and then, I used the Dremel machine to sanding to eliminate all the imperfections. When I finished, I applied WD40 oil, and with a piece of steel wool I rubbed all the helmet...

    Now, to conserve it I'll have to repeat the process each two months aproximately.

    M42 restored helmet Antesy10
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Age : 52
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    M42 restored helmet Empty Re: M42 restored helmet

    Post by thunderchild Wed Jan 29, 2014 4:14 pm

    nice work ,you can definately see an improvement william have you ever tryed using beeswax to seal

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