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    Portuguese Paratroopers Replica Uniforms

    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Location : Portugal
    Registration date : 2013-06-27
    Number of posts : 586

    Portuguese Paratroopers Replica Uniforms Empty Portuguese Paratroopers Replica Uniforms

    Post by PedroPato Sat Dec 28, 2013 2:57 pm

    Portuguese Paratroopers Lizard uniforms were rare and very sought after by many veterans and hunters in Portugal, when these uniform were substituted by the first Portuguese Paratroopers DPM in the early 90's many commercial companies bought the fabric lots from OGFE and continued to make uniforms in the same style and cut.

    Here are some examples of these commercial made uniforms, more or less in accordance with the old military specifications.

    Paratrooper trousers replica with velcro closure in the pockets and without zipper closure:
    Portuguese Paratroopers Replica Uniforms Dscf2810 Portuguese Paratroopers Replica Uniforms Dscf2811 Portuguese Paratroopers Replica Uniforms Dscf2812

    Paratrooper uniform replica with press studs and zipper closure following all military specifications:
    Portuguese Paratroopers Replica Uniforms Dscf1910

      Current date/time is Fri Dec 06, 2024 2:11 am