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    Unusual US (?) Canvas Webbing Belt; "Made in Japan" tags

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : United States
    Registration date : 2014-02-03
    Number of posts : 87

    Unusual US (?) Canvas Webbing Belt; "Made in Japan" tags Empty Unusual US (?) Canvas Webbing Belt; "Made in Japan" tags

    Post by KommandoPost Mon Feb 17, 2014 3:30 am

    I bought all this today at a swap meet for the ridiculously low price of $4.

    It looks like US webbing from WW2, but it had some strange features:

    For one, the belt has no top or bottom rows of holes and only a single middle line of holes for the width adjustment hook. The belt has no markings.

    Unusual US (?) Canvas Webbing Belt; "Made in Japan" tags IDmSWlIDdfuDw

    Attached to the belt (very poorly) by its metal hanger through 2 of the holes was this canteen.
    Unusual US (?) Canvas Webbing Belt; "Made in Japan" tags IGaooEcRgQUan

    The canteen appears to be aluminum and has "JAPAN" stamped into the metal at the bottom. The canvas canteen cover has "KIFFE Japan" on the back.

    Unusual US (?) Canvas Webbing Belt; "Made in Japan" tags ItnW1YwXQQkMx

    I also picked up these pouches which were sitting nearby and have "Made in Japan" on their tags on the back.

    Unusual US (?) Canvas Webbing Belt; "Made in Japan" tags Ibm1EpP11yfdrM

    Unusual US (?) Canvas Webbing Belt; "Made in Japan" tags IVnybv3ft6mKc

    What exactly did I just buy?

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    Unusual US (?) Canvas Webbing Belt; "Made in Japan" tags Empty Re: Unusual US (?) Canvas Webbing Belt; "Made in Japan" tags

    Post by 1stDivVet Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:01 am

    1960's commercial hunting/camping gear made from US pattern equiptment. At least the belt(to a point), canteen, and cover are. They also made a knock off cup. the other pouches are for mess utensils, raincoat, shells, really anything you can shove in them. kinda knpck off carlisle pouches.


    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

      Current date/time is Thu Oct 03, 2024 10:37 pm