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    Iraqi Officers Shirt and Lanyard.


    Age : 53
    Location : Wales
    Registration date : 2011-05-13
    Number of posts : 3858

    Iraqi Officers Shirt and Lanyard. Empty Iraqi Officers Shirt and Lanyard.

    Post by Gulf91 Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:25 pm

    Not sure of the era but like this a lot as it has been used.

    No labels or markings I can see,no idea about the lanyard or if its on the wrong shoulder(came like this). Inside is quite rough and ready and love the sun fading/bleaching to neck,collar and cuff ends.

    Iraqi Officers Shirt and Lanyard. DSCF0001_zps33fe1aa2

    Iraqi Officers Shirt and Lanyard. DSCF0002_zpsf714b649

    Iraqi Officers Shirt and Lanyard. DSCF0003_zps21824c4f

    Iraqi Officers Shirt and Lanyard. DSCF0004_zps04e65089

      Current date/time is Wed Jan 15, 2025 10:55 pm