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    Spanish boonies circa 1993


    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2012-12-29
    Number of posts : 2867

    Spanish boonies circa 1993 Empty Spanish boonies circa 1993

    Post by ripcord Wed May 07, 2014 10:19 pm

    Hey all,                                                                                                                                                        Spanish boonies circa 1993 Spanis39

    Couple of nicely made boonies.

    Spanish boonies circa 1993 Spanis31Spanish boonies circa 1993 Spanis32

    Spanish boonies circa 1993 Spanis33Spanish boonies circa 1993 Spanis34

    Spanish boonies circa 1993 Spanis35Spanish boonies circa 1993 Spanis38

    Same patterns,  but there are some slight color differences, particularly the lightest colors. Sniper boonie has no evidence of tags.


    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2012-12-29
    Number of posts : 2867

    Spanish boonies circa 1993 Empty Re: Spanish boonies circa 1993

    Post by ripcord Thu May 08, 2014 5:37 pm

    Hello All,

    The insignia ( Skull& Bones ) on the boonie I mistakenly referred to as the sniper boonie is actually the insignia of the Lusitania Light Armored Cavalry Group.

    The Group consists of 2 Light Armored Squadrons, 1 Armored Squadron, 1 Mechanized Squadron, and Headquarters/Logistic Squadron.



    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6990

    Spanish boonies circa 1993 Empty Re: Spanish boonies circa 1993

    Post by CollectinSteve Mon May 12, 2014 12:17 am

    Cool. As far as I know it's against regulations, but when has that ever stopped a soldier from making himself look more bad-arsed? Smile

    There are two versions of this boonie; solid and ripstop. There are also Army versions (yours) and ones with the Legion emblem instead. The Navy/Marines and Airforce also have their own boonies in slightly different colors, with the Airforce version having its emblem.

    The same design was used for the 6 color desert (sold and ripstop) and Navy/Marines desert boonies. The earlier 6 color desert types had a black bullet band

    There are also commercial versions that are nearly identical, but with commercial tags.


    P.S. Rip, our package is once again on it's way from Spain. Let's hope 2nd time goes better than 1st time!

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    Spanish boonies circa 1993 Empty Re: Spanish boonies circa 1993

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