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    The start of my Transkei Adiction


    Name : Graham
    Age : 59
    Location : West Sussex
    Registration date : 2010-08-11
    Number of posts : 919

    The start of my Transkei Adiction Empty The start of my Transkei Adiction

    Post by loski Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:55 pm

    I made the mistake of buying this Transkei SF para wing cheap on ebay

    The start of my Transkei Adiction 001_zps2940fad8

    Then came the SF cap badge

    The start of my Transkei Adiction 001_zpscc609723

    I then found a SF beret and mounted my badge on it

    The start of my Transkei Adiction TranskeiSFberet_zpse6ea87ca

    Then came a brand new Transkei size XL shirt and I muonted the wingover the right pocket

    The start of my Transkei Adiction 001_zps4319dc54

    The start of my Transkei Adiction 002_zps6bfcdaff

    So now Im looking for a pair of Transkei Trousers a SF stable belt and a couple of other bits

    The start of my Transkei Adiction 052fea13-fef6-491e-8dc8-42a604fe680d_zps41e33e59

    Above is a photo of what Im planing to have at the end well minus the manikin that is if the wife dont kill me ( thanks to Madziro for the photo of the manikin)

    Penguins Don't get cold feet.

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