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    WW2 Type Woolen Battledress Blouses and Trouser,any experts on here please?


    Age : 53
    Location : Wales
    Registration date : 2011-05-13
    Number of posts : 3858

    WW2 Type Woolen Battledress Blouses and Trouser,any experts on here please? Empty WW2 Type Woolen Battledress Blouses and Trouser,any experts on here please?

    Post by Gulf91 Wed Nov 19, 2014 4:33 am

    Just bought a set of Greek BD and Trs and as Ive had loads over the years and there seems to be a lot of difference in styles,colours etc does anybody please have any info on these,EG what different types there were,when first introduced and when phased out.

    The British BD eveolved quite a bit from the 37,40,46,47 and finally the 49 pattern so wonder if the Greeks did similar?

    Many Thanks.
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

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    Registration date : 2014-02-03
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    WW2 Type Woolen Battledress Blouses and Trouser,any experts on here please? Empty Re: WW2 Type Woolen Battledress Blouses and Trouser,any experts on here please?

    Post by KommandoPost Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:45 pm

    I noticed there are 2 types: A very dark brown and a more green kind that is closer to the Canadian colors.

    Dark Brown:
    WW2 Type Woolen Battledress Blouses and Trouser,any experts on here please? P37bat10
    WW2 Type Woolen Battledress Blouses and Trouser,any experts on here please? Greekb10

    WW2 Type Woolen Battledress Blouses and Trouser,any experts on here please? Greekb11
    WW2 Type Woolen Battledress Blouses and Trouser,any experts on here please? Greekg10

    A seller at my local swap meet tends to get the greener ones. I'll record a few dates next time I go there, but I remember they were all very late 50's - 60's.

    WW2 Type Woolen Battledress Blouses and Trouser,any experts on here please? Greekb12

    WW2 Type Woolen Battledress Blouses and Trouser,any experts on here please? 5bd_la10

    I've also only encountered one pair of pants and they did not have the large side pocket at all despite having a similar stamp as the battledress top and being made of largely the same wool material.


    Age : 53
    Location : Wales
    Registration date : 2011-05-13
    Number of posts : 3858

    WW2 Type Woolen Battledress Blouses and Trouser,any experts on here please? Empty Re: WW2 Type Woolen Battledress Blouses and Trouser,any experts on here please?

    Post by Gulf91 Wed Dec 24, 2014 8:48 am

    Great pics to show the colour differences. I have had various Blouses and Trs in varying shades of brown and green with the latest blouse Ive recently bought beeing the greenest by far. Also seen but never bought,a blouse type with exposed pocket flap buttons and had a few blouses in "smooth" not hairy/rough/coarse material.

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    WW2 Type Woolen Battledress Blouses and Trouser,any experts on here please? Empty Re: WW2 Type Woolen Battledress Blouses and Trouser,any experts on here please?

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