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    WW2 Type Paratrooper Battledress Trousers??


    Age : 53
    Location : Wales
    Registration date : 2011-05-13
    Number of posts : 3858

    WW2 Type Paratrooper Battledress Trousers?? Empty WW2 Type Paratrooper Battledress Trousers??

    Post by Gulf91 Tue Mar 16, 2021 11:57 am

    Not sure if I imagined it or if I actually did see someone recently,post pics up(not sure where if they did) of Belgian issued battledress trousers copied loosely on the WW2 British Paratrooper ones?

    Chamois lined pockets, Knife pocket to leg and 2 bum first aid dressing pockets.

    If there was such a thing,and I wasnt dreaming,would anyone please have any photos of an original pair or a link to some?

    Many Thanks

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