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    Need some help identifying this Amoeba jacket


    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6990

    Need some help identifying this Amoeba jacket Empty Need some help identifying this Amoeba jacket

    Post by CollectinSteve Tue Nov 25, 2014 4:02 am

    Hi all!

    I've had an unissued set of this darker type of Green/Red Amoeba for probably 10 or more years.  Last week I got a spare jacket and I finally decided to try and figure out what it is.  I don't see it in Santiago's excellent book, though admittedly I could have skipped by it.

    The jacket is in the M-76 cut and I presume it was used by COES.  Which makes sense because the M-69 came in both brown and green variants, so why not the M-76?

    Below is a picture of the jacket and a comparison with the lighter M-69 Green/Red Amoeba. Both have about the same amount of wash and wear, so the colors are roughly comparable.

    Any thoughts on identification?


    Need some help identifying this Amoeba jacket File_zps60d05fea

    Need some help identifying this Amoeba jacket File_zps0a4f3823


    Name : Juan J. Morales
    Age : 55
    Location : Almeria (Spain)
    Registration date : 2009-02-13
    Number of posts : 222

    Need some help identifying this Amoeba jacket Empty Re: Need some help identifying this Amoeba jacket

    Post by Solideo Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:41 am

    I am not an specialist in anything else than Legion although this kind of amoeba can be even been used by some UOEL members ( early times for UOEL were very hard in material aspects, so members who came from other units used their old camo patterns from coe, and parachoutists, I even could see any ezapac uniforms and Spanish marines with shirt pockets removed).

    I have 7 different variations of Spanish Legion rocky pattern, one of them is so green lighter than others, and early ones with no crown which are dated around 1977 or very late 1976 have the characteristic of those rigid stoned aspect quite more inked than late ones.

    Probably the darker one you have posted looks older type and probably for para forces including ezapac. But As I said I am not an expert in almost nothing and perhaps some of Legion.


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