by Haydamaka Thu Sep 03, 2020 4:59 pm
mylle wrote:AFAIK the swedes have to pull off the tags by law before they sell them off to the surplus-wholesellers.
Those uniforms got sold off because they fell through quality controls.
Thank you, Alex, for your clarification.
Taking into consideration this info, the commercially-looking tags are to be added in Sweden, not in the foreign shops, because only the person, who removed the size tag knows what similar info tag is to be added.
If the tags and patces are removed in Sweden, foreign sellers receive the M90 pieces with no info tags.
... or each piece of uniform is to be accompanied with some paper (document), where all the necessary info is indicated.
Another important question is quality.
If such M90 pieces " fell through quality controls", there should be some reason(s) for that, some problems with quality...
I suppose that both correct colour tags with crowns, and commercially-looking white tags use to be added by the manufacturer itself, by results of quality control tests.
The purchased by the Swedish state pieces get "good" colour labels, the faulty pieces get commercial labels attached and go to civilian market for cheaper.
What do you think about this?