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    Spanish uniforms for sale


    Name : Juan J. Morales
    Age : 55
    Location : Almeria (Spain)
    Registration date : 2009-02-13
    Number of posts : 222

    Spanish uniforms for sale Empty Spanish uniforms for sale

    Post by Solideo Sat Oct 01, 2011 5:27 am

    Weel my friends, as I said to any of distinguished members of this forum I am going to sell most my non Legion uniforms and others...

    After near 20 years collecting I have no material space for my Legion collection, so I have decided to limit my objects of desire to Spanish Legion. I will put them in sale/trade list, not all at once because I have no much time and I depend on my free time for it.

    I will accept trades if you have or now how to get any piece for SPANISH LEGION, only that please, because I am not interested in other Spanish units or contries.

    I will put the photos, only one and description, if any one is interested I can send lots of detailed photos of the uniform which have already been made and listen to offers.

    After a couple weeks I will put them in ebay or allcollection.

    Best regards

    About my reputation as buyer/seller can be consulted in ebay and allcollection (nick ivbleg)

    Juan J Morales

      Current date/time is Tue Oct 15, 2024 7:37 am