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2 posters

    WTB: SMK/Oreh, Reed, KKO, TTsKO, BiColor, Urban Reed

    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Location : Germany
    Registration date : 2011-04-02
    Number of posts : 507

    WTB: SMK/Oreh, Reed, KKO, TTsKO, BiColor, Urban Reed Empty WTB: SMK/Oreh, Reed, KKO, TTsKO, BiColor, Urban Reed

    Post by shoru Tue Feb 17, 2015 8:02 pm


    I'm looking for:

    - Soviet M88 "green/brown" TTsKO
    - Soviet M88 "pink" TTsKO
    - Soviet M88 BiColor
    - Vera Urban KKO
    - early NPO-SM SMK/Oreh uniform
    - early NPO-SM Urban Reed winter / autumn uniform
    - early NPO-SM Reed winter / autumn uniform

    I'm paying well!

    Best Regards

    Name : Martin
    Location : Perth, Western Australia
    Registration date : 2009-06-25
    Number of posts : 936

    WTB: SMK/Oreh, Reed, KKO, TTsKO, BiColor, Urban Reed Empty Re: WTB: SMK/Oreh, Reed, KKO, TTsKO, BiColor, Urban Reed

    Post by Martin Wed Feb 18, 2015 3:56 am

    There was a bicolour winter set on Ebay recently - did you see it?

    I might have a spare Pink winter set with blue collar 1991 size 44-4 if interested. New, let me know if interested.
    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Location : Germany
    Registration date : 2011-04-02
    Number of posts : 507

    WTB: SMK/Oreh, Reed, KKO, TTsKO, BiColor, Urban Reed Empty Re: WTB: SMK/Oreh, Reed, KKO, TTsKO, BiColor, Urban Reed

    Post by shoru Sun Mar 22, 2015 1:14 pm

    I didn't see your message until now, thanks for the heads-up!
    I'm looking for larger sized uniforms though, I need at least a 52, better a 54 on winter items..

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    WTB: SMK/Oreh, Reed, KKO, TTsKO, BiColor, Urban Reed Empty Re: WTB: SMK/Oreh, Reed, KKO, TTsKO, BiColor, Urban Reed

    Post by Sponsored content

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