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    African Wars reenactment and impressions

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    Location : Portugal
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    African Wars reenactment and impressions - Page 4 Empty Re: African Wars reenactment and impressions

    Post by PedroPato Wed Oct 11, 2017 1:56 pm

    These are the items I used to do the impression "Rhodesian 7th Independent Company French volunteer - 1977-78 (1)"

    What I used was:
    - Rhodesian reproduction kiko cap
    - Rhodesian reproduction long sleeved shirt
    - British Army green PT shorts
    - French Army double buckle boots
    - South African P61 harness
    - Rhodesian reproduction P69 magazine pouches
    - South African P61-64 combat belt
    - South African P61-64 water bottle and pouch
    - South African P61-64 kidney pouches
    - British Pattern 44 water bottle and pouch
    - SLR L1A1 rifle (replacing the FN FAL)

    African Wars reenactment and impressions - Page 4 Dscf3222

    African Wars reenactment and impressions - Page 4 Dscf3223
    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Location : Portugal
    Registration date : 2013-06-27
    Number of posts : 586

    African Wars reenactment and impressions - Page 4 Empty Re: African Wars reenactment and impressions

    Post by PedroPato Fri Oct 13, 2017 6:42 pm

    Rhodesian trooper - Operation Cauldron, 1968 (1)

    Rhodesia declared its independence from the United Kingdom as its Unilateral Declaration of Independence was made in the 11th November 1965.

    The country was not recognized by the United Nations and was subjected to sanctions and an embargo by the United Kingdom, at the same time ZANU and ZAPU had taken arms in 1964 and started the Bush War.

    ZAPU's armed wing, ZIPRA, was trying to infiltrate the Zambezi valley together with MK guerrillas so Operation Cauldron was launched in 1968 to stop them.

    This impression depicts a Rhodesian trooper involved in that operation with the kind of equipment then in use.

    The camouflaged cap and trousers were already issued but many troopers still used the green shirt instead of the more heavy and hotter camouflaged jacket and camouflaged shirts were still not issued.

    The webbing used is still the British Pattern 44 and its copies made in Rhodesia, the weapon carried is the SLR L1A1, as footwear a pair of double buckle boots is used.

    In this case a Canadian green shirt similar to the Rhodesian pattern is used due to the lack of an original one, original Rhodesian trousers are worn and a reproduction flap cap. The boots are French due to the unavailability of original Rhodesian ones and should be more brown in color.

    Original Rhodesian trousers were used in this impression, due to the lack of a proper Rhodesian green shirt a Canadian one of similar cut and style was used, the main difference is that the Rhodesian shirt had scalloped pockets at this time.

    The weapon carried is an SLR L1A1, to be more correct the weapon should have wood furniture for a 60's impression.

    Kit list:
    - Rhodesian reproduction cap
    - Canadian long sleeved green shirt
    - Rhodesian camouflage trousers
    - French Army double buckle boots
    - British pattern 44 webbing comprising, belt, yoke, ammo pouches and water bottle carrier
    - SLR L1A1 rifle

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    Sergeant Major
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    African Wars reenactment and impressions - Page 4 Empty Re: African Wars reenactment and impressions

    Post by zvez Fri Oct 13, 2017 7:37 pm

    very nicely done. As an aside, the green shirt the rhodesians used was called the Malayan shirt because it was the type worn by troops in the Malayan insurgency. It's was lightweight canvas fabric. Later in the Rhod. war alot of the officer's adopted the wear of the green air force shirt which was a much softer fabric. and would be worn with the camo trousers.

    PedroPato wrote:Rhodesian trooper - Operation Cauldron, 1968 (1)

    Rhodesia declared its independence from the United Kingdom as its Unilateral Declaration of Independence was made in the 11th November 1965.

    The country was not recognized by the United Nations and was subjected to sanctions and an embargo by the United Kingdom, at the same time ZANU and ZAPU had taken arms in 1964 and started the Bush War.

    ZAPU's armed wing, ZIPRA, was trying to infiltrate the Zambezi valley together with MK guerrillas so Operation Cauldron was launched in 1968 to stop them.

    This impression depicts a Rhodesian trooper involved in that operation with the kind of equipment then in use.

    The camouflaged cap and trousers were already issued but many troopers still used the green shirt instead of the more heavy and hotter camouflaged jacket and camouflaged shirts were still not issued.

    The webbing used is still the British Pattern 44 and its copies made in Rhodesia, the weapon carried is the SLR L1A1, as footwear a pair of double buckle boots is used.

    In this case a Canadian green shirt similar to the Rhodesian pattern is used due to the lack of an original one, original Rhodesian trousers are worn and a reproduction flap cap. The boots are French due to the unavailability of original Rhodesian ones and should be more brown in color.

    Original Rhodesian trousers were used in this impression, due to the lack of a proper Rhodesian green shirt a Canadian one of similar cut and style was used, the main difference is that the Rhodesian shirt had scalloped pockets at this time.

    The weapon carried is an SLR L1A1, to be more correct the weapon should have wood furniture for a 60's impression.

    Kit list:
    - Rhodesian reproduction cap
    - Canadian long sleeved green shirt
    - Rhodesian camouflage trousers
    - French Army double buckle boots
    - British pattern 44 webbing comprising, belt, yoke, ammo pouches and water bottle carrier
    - SLR L1A1 rifle

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    Officer Candidate
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    Location : Portugal
    Registration date : 2013-06-27
    Number of posts : 586

    African Wars reenactment and impressions - Page 4 Empty Re: African Wars reenactment and impressions

    Post by PedroPato Sun Oct 29, 2017 12:10 pm

    These are the items I used to do the impression "Rhodesian trooper - Operation Cauldron, 1968 (1)"

    What I used was:
    - Rhodesian reproduction cap
    - Canadian long sleeved green shirt
    - Rhodesian camouflage trousers
    - French Army double buckle boots
    - British pattern 44 webbing comprising, belt, yoke, ammo pouches and water bottle carrier
    - SLR L1A1 rifle

    African Wars reenactment and impressions - Page 4 Dscf3310

    African Wars reenactment and impressions - Page 4 Dscf3311
    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Location : Portugal
    Registration date : 2013-06-27
    Number of posts : 586

    African Wars reenactment and impressions - Page 4 Empty Re: African Wars reenactment and impressions

    Post by PedroPato Wed May 16, 2018 6:30 pm

    BSAP Support Unit, Rhodesia - 1978 (1)

    The British South Africa Police was created in 1889 by the British South Africa Company and became to operate independently in 1896. It served as Rhodesia's police force until 1980 when it was replaced by the Zimbabwe Republic Police.

    When the insurgency started in Rhodesia it was seen as an internal security problem and the responsibility for fighting it was put on the BSAP, for that purpose several special units were created like the Police Anti-Terrorist Unit, the Support Unit or the Civilian African Tracking Unit.

    The Support Unit, know as black boots due to their footwear, was a police field force. It supported the police in problematic rural areas and also in urban areas if needed. The Support Unit mainly patrolled Tribal Trust Lands (TTLs) and was organized in troops that were completely independent in terms of logistics and equipment.

    For making this impression a Rhodesian camouflage uniform was used, the cap, shirt and trousers are reproductions.

    As footwear a pair of French double buckle boots is used since these are similar to the black double buckle boots used by the Support Unit.

    The webbing set was mostly assembled with both period South African items and modern reproductions, the South African items are similar to the large quantities sent to Rhodesia as aid by South Africa during the war.

    The weapon carried is an SLR L1A1, to be more correct the weapon should have wood furniture for a 60's impression and should have been replaced by an FN FAL or South African R1 for later years.

    - Kit list:
    - Rhodesian reproduction cap
    - Rhodesian reproduction long sleeved shirt
    - Rhodesian reproduction combat trousers
    - French double buckle leather boots
    - South African P61 harness
    - Rhodesian P69 magazine pouch reproductions (single magazine)
    - South African P61-64 combat belt
    - South African P61-64 kidney pouches
    - South African P61-64 water bottle and pouch
    - British Pattern 44 water bottle and pouch
    - SLR L1A1 rifle (replacing the FN FAL)

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