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    Congo ANC 1960's uniform


    Location : Finland
    Registration date : 2013-09-09
    Number of posts : 38

    Congo ANC 1960's uniform Empty Congo ANC 1960's uniform

    Post by Stepi Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:41 am

    I was wondering if there is anybody out there with a 60's ANC uniform, the type pictured here:

    Congo ANC 1960's uniform LON124333_Congo_Leopoldville_1960_zpsdz12apr1

    Congo ANC 1960's uniform LON124310_Congo_Leopoldville_1960_zpsz3viahxd

    Congo ANC 1960's uniform Image23_zpskd9m3ovb
    This is a shot from the documentary film Africa Addio, shows the colour pretty nicely.

    Since these were army issue I'd expect at least a set or two to be floating around on the collectors market but still I have never ever seen neither the jacket or trousers for sale.
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : California
    Registration date : 2011-12-12
    Number of posts : 410

    Congo ANC 1960's uniform Empty Re: Congo ANC 1960's uniform

    Post by Camonut314 Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:17 pm

    Wow! Great images. I have been looking for more detailed info on this uniform every since purchasing the Osprey book on the subject. Personally, I have never seen one in a private collection, or outside of a period photo. Probably a combination of the scarcity of the uniform in conjunction with the general lack of knowledge.

    Location : Finland
    Registration date : 2013-09-09
    Number of posts : 38

    Congo ANC 1960's uniform Empty Re: Congo ANC 1960's uniform

    Post by Stepi Tue Jul 07, 2015 2:12 am

    Camonut314 wrote:Probably a combination of the scarcity of the uniform in conjunction with the general lack of knowledge.

    This is probably it, topped off with the fact that honestly it isn't very much to look at, at a glance it looks just like any boring OD crap, not very exciting or cool at all. So if there are any out there (there has to be, I won't give up my hope) many are probably sold off mislabeled as just some random junk. Still the shirt in particular is very distinguishable from the cuts on the sides and pocket design, the trousers on the other hand are extremely generic and not very eye catching.

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