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    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV


    Location : Slovakia
    Registration date : 2015-05-06
    Number of posts : 252

    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV Empty Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV

    Post by Thibir Tue Nov 24, 2015 12:45 pm

    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV - for paratroopers with camouflage print

    This should be uniform designed for Czechoslovak army and also used for short period. However as it is made by Slovak company and stamped 1993 (Slovak republic exists from 1st January 1993) and it was used by Slovak army I posted it in Slovakia sub-forum.

    There is a lot of speculation about this uniform. Also collectors made up some more designations for it (vz. 85PV, vz. 92, Slovak vz. 95, Slováče etc.). There are a lot of versions of this uniform which differs in both cut, colour and fabric used. Some of them were only trial versions, some were accepted into army. Slovak army doesn´t distinguish them at all. They are all vz. 85PV (sometimes refered vz. 85V with print).

    This uniform was for the long time used only by the 5th Special Forces Regiment stationed in Žilina. They preferred it over the standard army vz. 97 uniform mostly to distinguish themselves from the non-elite units. As the pattern is quite similar to Czech vz. 95 pattern they unofficially used the Czech items when appropriate Slovak counterparts were not available. This is true not only for the uniforms but also for all tactical gear.

    In 2007 when the new digi camo was introduced also the 5th Special Forces Regiment received it and they lost their distinctive uniform.

    Recently the vz. 85PV became more available as they were allowed to be used together with the vz. 97 as the training uniform for all forces. This was caused by serious shortage of all vz. 2007 uniforms.

    Jacket is size 1/44 or 164/88 has only 2 chest pockets, no waist or arm pockets as later models
    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV Dsc08015

    Pockets are closed by velcro
    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV Dsc08016

    the back is totally boring without any interesting features
    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV Dsc08017

    1993 Army acceptance stamp
    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV Dsc08018

    Manufacturer Odeva Lipany still makes some items for Slovak army, but they now specialize in dress uniforms instead of combat
    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV Dsc08019

    49% cotton and 51% polyester
    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV Dsc08020

    name of guy I bought it from :-)
    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV Dsc08021

    trousers, are size 2/44 (172/88), they have 2 leg cargo pockets, one front non-cargo pocket, 2 waist pockets, one tiny pocket, rear cargo pocket  and rear pocket for knife (UTON - attack knife vz. 75)
    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV Dsc08022

    high waist similar to the one on the standard vz. 85 trousers. The waist buttons for braces are not genuine. They either were never there or the original were removed and civilian reattached.
    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV Dsc08023

    and finally the knife pocket with appropriate para knife
    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV Dsc08025

    As the set is too small for me it is available for sale or trade.

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6968

    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV Empty Re: Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV

    Post by CollectinSteve Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:45 am

    Cool! I did not know this uniform existed. While we are talking about designations, what are the official Slovak uniform designations since becoming an independent country?


    Location : Slovakia
    Registration date : 2015-05-06
    Number of posts : 252

    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV Empty Re: Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV

    Post by Thibir Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:24 am

    CollectinSteve wrote:While we are talking about designations, what are the official Slovak uniform designations since becoming an independent country?

    Okay, so to make things easier lets skip something like 8 dress uniforms, different work uniforms, uniform for cooks etc.

    So uniforms that were used by common Slovak units:

    - Poľní stejnokroj vz. 60 - field uniform vz. 60
    - Odev poľný vz. 85 - field dress vz. 85
    - Odev poľný vz 97 so zelenou potlačou - field dress vz. 97 with green print
    - Odev poľný vz 97 s béžovou potlačou - field dress vz. 97 with tan print
    - Odev poľný vz 07 so zelenou potlačou - field dress vz. 07 with green print
    - Odev poľný vz 07 s béžovou potlačou - field dress vz. 07 with tan print

    Vz. 60 was by most units used until replaced with vz. 97 and the 85 were not used much just kept in warehouses. Although just a few years ago was vz. 85 still used for guard duty but it was loong ago after adoption of vz. 97 or even 07.

    As for the interesting uniforms mostly used by paras and sometimes by forces deployed in UN missions:

    I think that the only official designation for many various uniforms is, like mentioned here vz. 85 for paratroopers (with print) or shortened vz. 85PV.


    However according to some hearsay evidence, some collectors discussions the vz. 85 for paratroopers can be distinguished into few more categories which were not an official designations.

    vz. 85 PV as posted above
    vz. 92 predecessor of Czech vz. 95 - colour is same like the vz. 85PV but the fabric and cut is different. It should be designed during Czechoslovakia and adopted by Slovakia for paras afterwards
    "Slovak" vz. 95 - same cut as vz. 92 but the camouflage and fabric is identical to common vz. 97. It existed probably only as a test run, however they were sometimes used together with vz. 97. But almost never the complete set but mixed with vz. 97. Soldiers called them "para vz. 97."

    However I think that all of these items were officially called just vz. 85PV. But again I am not an expert so don´t take it like 100% true.

    Location : Slovakia
    Registration date : 2015-05-06
    Number of posts : 252

    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV Empty Re: Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV

    Post by Thibir Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:45 pm

    Thibir wrote:
    and finally the knife pocket with appropriate para knife
    Slovak para uniform vz. 85PV Dsc08025

    Haha, really funny piece of information. This pocket appeared on the para vz. 60 trousers for the first time. It was not designed for the knife as I thought. It was designed to hold the barrel of the vz. 58 rifle during the jump when the rifle was slung over the shoulder. However the pocket is on the right side and the rifle was worn on the left shoulder. This means that the pocket was never used for its intended purpose. The manufacturer was stubborn and didn´t switch the side even when the army told him about this problem.

    So the pocket was used either for knife or for rolled beret.

    Obviously manufacturer of these trousers vz. 85 copied this feature from vz. 60 trousers without thinking about it :-)

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