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    Some DPM smock questions.


    Location : Malaysia
    Registration date : 2009-06-07
    Number of posts : 13

    Some DPM smock questions.  Empty Some DPM smock questions.

    Post by fariz Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:49 am

    Greetings everyone,

    It is possible to make out the years of manufacture from the codes I've taken off some DPM smocks - 5882 [an unidentified DPM smock], 5887 [1984 Pattern] and 1821 [1968 Pattern].

    The smock marked 5882 has all the similar stuff which is on the Pattern 1984 [Zip and buttons fastening, 4 external pockets, velcro to cuffs, drawstrings to waist and bottom, no integral hood, etc] but I'm not sure if it's really a Pattern 1984 as the camo design is slightly different.

    Om the Arctic smock, what would be the main reason for a new smock not to have a manufacturer's label with NSN and sizing codes? Was it common for new smocks not to have any labels [I also have a Soldier 1995 shirt with no label]? Also, is the DPM pattern on the Arctic smock a one off pattern or is based on the 1968 pattern?

    Thank you.

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