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    Bulletproof vest/Body armour used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in Yugoslavia in UNPROFOR


    Name : Tadeáš
    Age : 29
    Location : Czech republic
    Registration date : 2017-06-08
    Number of posts : 5

    Bulletproof vest/Body armour used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in Yugoslavia in UNPROFOR Empty Bulletproof vest/Body armour used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in Yugoslavia in UNPROFOR

    Post by Legie21 Fri Jun 09, 2017 4:46 am

    Greetings, please - I have set up this question - maybe wrongly - in Balcans. Iam sending link here - please, I am very desperate, can´t find anything about it. Could you help me specify - what kind of buletproof vest are wearing Czechoslovakian/Czech soldiers on pictures? Only what i know is that these vests were used in Gulf war too and that they are from Israel or Ireland (Highmark?)... maybe. But that is all... nothing more Neutral  :-)

    thank you very much colleagues!


    Bulletproof vest/Body armor used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in UNPROFOR mission

    Bulletproof vest/Body armour used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in Yugoslavia in UNPROFOR 311
    Bulletproof vest/Body armour used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in Yugoslavia in UNPROFOR 711
    Bulletproof vest/Body armour used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in Yugoslavia in UNPROFOR 1011
    Bulletproof vest/Body armour used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in Yugoslavia in UNPROFOR 2611
    Bulletproof vest/Body armour used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in Yugoslavia in UNPROFOR 3011
    Bulletproof vest/Body armour used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in Yugoslavia in UNPROFOR 5111
    Bulletproof vest/Body armour used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in Yugoslavia in UNPROFOR 8911
    Bulletproof vest/Body armour used by Czechoslovakian/Czech forces in Yugoslavia in UNPROFOR 17498411

      Current date/time is Thu Sep 19, 2024 11:21 am